The VIN format in 1981 - 1984 changed.
1st digit: Country of origin: 1 = USA, 2 = Canada.
2nd digit: G = General Motors
3rd digit: Division, 1 = Chevrolet.
4th digit: Restraint system: A = Non-passive, B = Automatic belts, C = Inflatable restraint
5th digit: Series: P = Camaro Sport Coupe, S = Camaro Berlinetta
6th & 7th digit: Body Style: 87 = Sport Coupe
8th digit: Engine : See specific year (camaro info) for breakdown.
9th digit: Check digit - used to verify that the VIN was recorded correctly.
10th digit: Year: B = 1981
11th digit: Letter indicating assembly plant: L = Van Nuys, California, N = Norwood, Ohio
12th through 17th digits: Sequential production number starting with 100001.
The first three characters signify the make of the car, usually as follows: The first character of your VIN represents the country of manufacture
1 = USA J = Japan Y = Finland, Sweden
2 = Canada K = Korea
3 = Mexico W = Germany
The second character represents the manufacturer or make of the vehicle, as follows:
A = Alfa Romeo, B = Dodge, C = Chrysler, D = Daihatsu, E = Eagle, F= Ford/Eagle,
G = All General Motors vehicles (Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Saturn)
H = Honda/Acura, J= Jeep, L = Lincoln, M = Mitsubishi, N = Nissan/Infiniti, P = Plymouth,
S = Subaru, T = Toyota/Lexus, V = Volkswagen
Other makes use a 3-character combination:
TRU/WAU = Audi, 4US/WBA/WBS = BMW, 2HM/KMH = Hyundai, SAJ = Jaguar,
SAL = Land Rover, 1YV/JM1 = Mazda, WDB = Mercedes-Benz, VF3 = Peugeot,
WP0 = Porsche, YK1/YS3 = Saab, YV1=Volvo, 8 = Isuzu
The fourth character is the type of restraint system or brake type
The fifth, sixth & seventh characters are the car line, series and body style
The eighth character is a description of the engine: e.g., "L" = 3.8L for GM
The tenth character represents the year of the car. Pay close attention to this one:
B = 1981 C = 1982 D = 1983 E = 1984 F = 1985 G = 1986 H = 1987 J = 1988 K = 1989 L = 1990 M = 1991 N = 1992 P = 1993 R = 1994 S = 1995 T = 1996 V = 1997 W = 1998 X = 1999 Y = 2000 1 = 2001 2 = 2002 3 = 2003
Position 11: Assembly Plant
In 1972, plant codes changed to reflect the VIN code. For example, "NOR" = Norwood before 1972. In 1972 and on, it was simply "N".
A = Lakewood L = Van Nuys W = Willow Run 4 = Scarborough
B = Baltimore M = Lansing X = Fairfax 5 = Bowling Green
C = Lansing (B) N = Norwood Y=Wilmington 5 = London
D = Doraville P = Pontiac (Pontiac) Z = Fremont 6 = Oklahoma City
E = Linden Q = Detriot 1 = Wentzville 7 = Lordstown
F = Flint (Chevy) R = Arlington 1 = Oshawa #2 8 = Shreveport
G = Framingham S = St. Louis 2 = Moraine (T&B) 8 = Fujisawa (Japan) Luv
H = Flint (Buick) S = Ramos Arizpe 2 = St. Therese 9 = Detroit (Cadillac)
J = Janesville T = Tarrytown, NY 3 = Detroit (T&B) 9 = Oshawa #1
K - Kosai U = Hamtramck 3 = St. Eustache 0 GM Truck Pontiac
K = Leeds V= Pontiac (GMC) 4 = [Lake} Orion, MI
Ford VIN
Ford Offers a VIN decoding program: here
Chrysler VIN
Chrysler VIN Defined (Domestic)
1st Position - Country 1-United States
2nd Position-Make
3rd Position-Vehicle Type
4-Multipurpose Passanger Vehicle(MPV)
6-Incomplete Vehicle
4th Position-Restraint or G.V.W.R.
B-Manual Belts
D- 1-3000 LB /
E-3001-4000 LB /
F-4001-5000 LB /
G-5001-6000 LB /
H-6001-7000 LB
5th Position- Car line
H-Plymouth Voyager / K-Dodge Caravan
6th Position-Series
1-Economy (E) /
2-Low Line (L) /
4-High Line (H) /
5-Premium (P) /
6-Special Sport (S)
7th Position-Body Style
0-Extended Wagon / 3-Van / 9-Wagon
8th Position-Engine Code
B - 2.4L /
C-2.2 I-4 2bbl /
G-2.6 I-4 2bbl /
K-2.5-L4, TBI ('89 & '90) /
J-2.5 I-4 Turbo (1990 Only) /
K-2.5-L4, TBI /
R-3.3 V6, EFI /
3-3.0-V6, MPI
9th Position-Check Digit
10th Position-Model Year
B = 1981 C = 1982 D = 1983 E = 1984 F = 1985 G = 1986 H = 1987 J = 1988 K = 1989 L = 1990 M = 1991 N = 1992 P = 1993 R = 1994 S = 1995 T = 1996 V = 1997 W = 1998 X = 1999 Y = 2000 1 = 2001 2 = 2002 3 = 2003
11th Position-Assembly Plant
R-Windsor, Ontario
X-US - St. Louis 2, MO
B-US -
12 Thru 17th Position-Production Sequence Number