Radio Alternator Noise
[Radio - Alternator Noise]
Disconnect your antenna and see If the noise Is still there. If the noise stops, then a filter will not Help because it's not coming from the power leads, but from the antenna lead.
Take a test wire with clips on each end and connect one to the metal
case of the radio and the other end to a good ground; make sure they are conneted good and turn on an AM station. You may find the noise is gone. If not get another antenna and just plug the lead into the radio and see how that works. AM is very touchy about it's antenna.
If you have a good antenna and good earth connection at the antenna base you could try an automotive type metal case capacitor mounted on an alternator screw and connected to the main +B connector.
A shirtpocket sized AM radio with a homebrew "sniffer" antenna can help pinpoint the noise source.
Some ground paths are definitely quieter than others. Sometimes moving the probe just a couple of inches will noticeably change the noise level. Change the wiring position of the ground lead.
Did you ensure that the only ground to the vehicle that the radio has was the antenna ground (preventing the possibility of ground loops from multiple vehicle grounds)?