"Part 2"
"Part 3" - Prophesy UN
Msg 93 - Change in Group Description
"It is indispensable for our purpose that wars should not result in territorial gains: war will be used for economic results. And this will put both sides at the mercy of our own agenda. OUR INTERNATIONAL RIGHTS WILL THEN WIPE OUT ANY "NATIONAL RIGHTS", and our Body [The U.N.] will rule the nations precisely the way a nation's laws rules their subjects within that country." - Paraphrased from "Protocol" 2:1. (
The purpose of this group is to reveal that THE UNITED NATIONS IS THE OUTGROWTH OF THE SO-CALLED "PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS": To understand the crazy events of today, we must begin by reading these "Protocols". 9-11, "war on terrorism", the Israel/Palestine war, military trials for citizens, elimination of the Constitution: ALL OF THESE THINGS WERE FORETOLD IN THIS DOCUMENT over a hundred years ago. [Yes - the Group's "description" has changed (SEE MESSAGE #94: LINK HERE: )].
It is the duty of everyone who wants to remain free of enslavement by the New World Order to acquaint himself with the "Protocols" and see how accurately they describe the evil of the United Nations' plans for our world and for each one of us.
From: "osram007"Date: Thu Jan 3, 11:14 am Subject: Welcome, New Members Welcome to the United Nations Patriots group. You can probably see this is no one-sided site! But it IS a great place to challenge opposing points of view.
These are critical times, and the U.N. plays an increasingly dominant role in our everyday lives. I hope everyone can feel free to let their opinions fly without concern that somebody may disagree.
This site is neither "pro" or "con" - (even though my views may be obvious. But there's no censorship here). It's really up to the writer to make his or her argument. This is a site for "grown-ups". Say what you believe and see what happens!
From: "allipony"Date: Sat Jan 5, 9:38 am Subject: Re: Welcome, New Members Thanks for inviting me to this club. I love debating with other people (I sometimes try to provoke it in other clubs, but now at last there is a place where I can argue with people and not get the owner mad). Thanks again.
From: Date: Tue Nov 27, 2001 12:01 pm Subject: CHEW ON THIS...OK: "All sides are invited to comment", you say... Then CHEW ON THIS: (I found it... why didn't YOU? RE: your great "perusal" of information) WASHINGTON DOESN'T LISTEN TO US ANYMORE... Why should we listen to THEM?
The Panama Canal is the economic lifeline to our trade with the world - Washington gives it away and watches Red China buy both entry points. We complain to Washington via our senators, congressmen, the president... and they brush us off like some annoying mosquito: "This is part of a long-negotiated deal... China's too big for us to ignore... etc, etc", and a long stream of verbal sewage - LIES - attempting to pacify us or make us feel so helpless that we'll give up (they wish).
Bush throws away 66% of our nuclear missles in a VERBAL agreement with Russian gang-leader Putin. A reporter asks, "What are the terms of the written agreement?" Bush replies rather haplessly, "Well, we shook hands on it, I think that's enough. I don't see any need for a written agreement. Anyway, it's going to happen."
It's going to happen on OUR side - but there's no verification of what the Russians are going to do. We complain - Washington ignores. Again, they're just concerned with building up the United Nations - the Grand Pigsty.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but with the world going the way it is, the only reason for living is to find a way to live SEPARATELY from this satanic-whore government. Either we're supposed to fight it, flee it, or build our own. What else is there to do here? the world's getting more & more disastrous, and increasingly in the control of the U.N. goon squads. What are we supposed to do with this life? Just stand back and watch them make slaves of us?
Our government is a gang of traitors who have robbed the Constitution from us, they've built concentration camps for us (secret detention), they've given nuclear technology to Red China (who vows to nuke our cities) and they keep giving power to those arrogant hottentots who inhabit the Grand Pigsty - the U.N. If Washington isn't our enemy, then exactly WHY is it doing these things to us?
That empty-suited jackass Bush: Christians are gushing about him thus:
"Oh, glory! We've got a Born Again Christian in the White House!" A "Born Again Christian" who does nothing but carry-out orders from the Satan-based Illuminati, sells our military superiority away for empty "verbal" agreements with communists (yes, Putin is a communist: you think you can change a skunk by pasting a new label on it 7 calling it an eagle?)
That scumbucket would-be dictator Kofi Annan is being portrayed as a saint as he leads wore-leaders of foreign governments around the World Trade Center ruins, just so everyone around the world can feel the "shock" value of this attack and feel greater urgency to surrender to U.N. world "management" because "we're so helpless". That we Americans ever allowed this Grand Pigsty United Nations to inhabit our land and staff it with these satanic vermin is an abomination. It is illegal under CONSTITUTIONAL law (which is no longer recognized by our whore government).
We need to:
1. Demolish the Grand Pigsty United Nations and ship all the satanic piglets home to whatever third world mudhole they crawled out from.
2. Demolish the Federal Reserve Bank, and back the dollar with gold. Then give alan Greenspan a delicatessen in New York to manage, where he can't do any more damage. (The rest of the "Federal" Reserve trolls can bake bagels for him in the kitchen.) With the tentacles of the outlaw "Federal" Reserve Bank removed from our government, we can:
3. Flush out all the politicians who are mere mouthpieces for the Grand Pigsty United Nations and the One-World-Government. THEN: officially Re-Establish a CONSTITUTIONAL government, hold new elections, and vote-in people who adhere to Constitutional principles.
There's some reading for you to "peruse". Who knows? Maybe even YOU will see the light...
From: "Oscar Rutherford"Date: Tue Nov 27, 2001 1:33 pm Subject: Re: CHEW ON THIS... NIGHTEYES1991: It's interesting reading, but where's the beef?
O.K., you gave "your" opinion: Of course, you had to copy it from somebody else's article from an undisclosed source.
I don't think you really have a clue about what kind of world we're living in. Let me ask you: How would you like to live? In a world with PEACE & ORDER with a little heavy-handed control from a world government...
OR, to have your so-called "freedom," but with chaos & uncertainty?
We're at the point where we have to make a choice, I believe. You might call it "slavery", but I call it a future - one in which we can all survive. (You ARE a "survivalist", aren't you?)
You're right, I didn't find this article in my "perusal" of information on the subject. But I can't say that it changes my mind much. I don't claim to know it all, I just say what I think needs to be said. I'm sure there's more to the picture than the little bit I've found so far.
C'mon! Change my mind! Show me where I'm wrong!
From: "Oscar Rutherford"Date: Thu Nov 29, 2001 10:01 am Subject: Re: CHEW ON THIS... [e-mailed response from "Anonymous"]
Wrong !
You must have caved into the Federal indoctrination a long time ago OR you are a federal agent/operative who is just out trolling for true survivalists. This is going to get a lot of negative hits. Be prepared to feel total negativity with the introduction of such a dastardly group. You know why you only have 4 members? So at least two of them can flame the crap out of the idea. I don't have to show facts as to why you are soooo wrong in your post It speaks for itself to those of us who KNOW.\ You speak of peace and yet where in the world has the UN gone and left peace. It has stayed everywhere it went. that is not peace. No country or government has ever lasted that was a police state. This is one of the UN objectives. What a crock______ .
From: "Oscar Rutherford"Date: Thu Nov 29, 2001 10:14 am Subject: Re: "What A Crock..." The reason the Group has only 5 members so far is that it's only been around less than a week.
I'm sure the U.N. has made mistakes in the past, but what government hasn't? the difference is that they change policies when they see where they've gone wrong.
Regarding the matter of survivalists, if the U.N. really does take over the world, where do you think you could hide?
As for "peace", there's probably a higher level of peace in countries that are under the U.N.'s umbrella, since they're experienced at "sitting on" the hot-heads in some of the world's trouble spots. (These places probably NEED to be under "police-state" conditions.)
If the U.N. doesn't govern the world, then what's the alternative?
From: "osram007"Date: Wed Dec 5, 2001 1:57 pm Subject: U.N. unpopular? I can't help taking notice of the profound lack of fondness for the United Nations among those who deign to actually speak out. there's a general feeling that the UN is associated with world enslavement. I've commented on this sentiment on earlier posts, hoping to allay such fears. However, I am not an official spokesman for the UN, nor, if it should be proven to me that the UN DOES have any sinister ambitions, would I want to be an ignorant "shill" for their cause.
I only took a look at what I can make of the world situation as it presently appears, and made my best judgement of what to expect in the future - and how we as individuals could best thrive in that new world.
Finally, when I read these criticisms of the UN, I have to ask myself, "If the concern is so great among these people that they'll be enslaved by the UN, then why don't they push for a truly "sovereign" United States?" A U.S. that is self-sifficient in industry, manufacturing and military won't be subject ot control by the UN or Communist China or enyone else. I just don't see any such move being made in an EFFECTIVE way by a politically-active group in America.
Well, I'll leave it at that for now. Appreciate any input you may have... let me hear from you.
Thanks... "Osram007"
From: "osram007"Date: Sat Dec 8, 2001 12:30 pm Subject: BENEFITS of U.N. "ENSLAVEMENT"! Many misunderstandings have been made regarding the New Age and the United Nations - and what it will mean for the ordinary citizen.
Let's clear up some emotional "buzz-words" before we condemn something outright. Check out a new article:
I think it puts things in perspective and helps understand the world situation we're facing today. If you have any comments, post 'em! - "Osram"
From: "northstarzone"Date: Sat Dec 8, 2001 1:37 pm Subject: Kofi Annan fan club Dear Osram: Do you have any information as to how I could join a Kofi Annan fan club? Thanks, Northstarzone
From: "osram007"Date: Sun Dec 9, 2001 11:07 am Subject: Re: Kofi Annan fan club The WORLD is Kofi Annan's "fan club". You, like millions of others, are eager to show their support for the New Age's enlightened leader.
You may have been sarcastic in your feigned admiration for the Secretary General, but in time everyone will rejoice over the U.N.'s leadership. They will deliver us from the terrorism that plagues our world, and restore order and sanity to a society gone mad.
Then you won't have to worry about "survival plans" and conspiracies. A new world government will take care of all these problems.
THEN what will you have to write about on your website? -"osram"
From: "osram007"Date: Sun Dec 16, 2001 11:07 am Subject: "UN" a Fake Theory... [E Mail from some someone who whats to remain "anonymous"(shy, I guess...)]:
Your group is such a humorous site i've kept it on my favorites jsut to go and read it for laughs.
It's a real shame that you seem so brainwahsed as to seem to beleive the things you post.
I suppose when the truth finally sinks in it may be too late as you will already have been a victim of the very thing you think may be your salvation.
What is it with the NWO types that think it will solve anything. ?
I don't see anyone giving in to the UN and saying they will one day rule the world. such thoughts are mainly in the UN system of idiots only. Have you not noticed that the US is slowly pulling away from the UN ?
We have had less and less to do with them the last year, and i think this will conitnue. The UN is presently made up of most of the third world counties and others who have fallen for the fake theory which will not work.
Perhaps smaller versions will such as EU and NAT and SAT but the fact remains that empires are doomed to failure. The only successful one was the egyptian empire. and it also fell after thousands of years.No other empire has lasted half as long.
You should remember this in your thoughts of a empire which they claim will rule the world.
Such assinine assumptions.
The UN is good for negotiating peace but when that fails they fail miserabley in any other endeavor.
From: "osram007"Date: Sun Dec 16, 2001 11:10 am Subject: Re: "UN" a Fake Theory... You ask, "Have you not noticed that the US is slowly pulling away from the UN ?" If the US is "pulling away from the UN", then why have over one-half of our military bases and equipment been transferred over to them? Why do our troops fight under the U.N. flag? Why are our laws changing to match the U.N. Charter instead of the U.S. Constitution? The wise counsels of the U.N. have successfully obscured their maneuverings from the public's attention. You will hear occasional protests from one or another politician, but do you see the U.N. becoming weaker as a result?
Washington WANTS a strong U.N. They'll pay a little lip service to the notion of "American independence" from the World Order now and then just to pacify the public. But their actions reveal their true intentions: Military tribunals, secret detention, and wholesale phone & internet-tapping are now a reality: Today for foreigners, tomorrow, for citizens. Isn't it clear that Washington would not so blatantly trample on its own Constitution if they did not enthusiastically support the concept of an all-powerful U.N.?
You say, "I don't see anyone giving in to the UN and saying they will one day rule the world." I don't see anyone actively RESISTING the U.N. in any effective way. I'm sure you're right, that most Americans would rather not be under U.N. control. But it's not going to go away just because people ignore it or get bored with it. The people who want the U.N. to rule the world are aggressively pushing political and financial events in a way that will bring it about. How many American "yawning protesters" will resist when the only way to get a paycheck is to submit to the regulations of a new global government?
"Empires are doomed to failure. The only successful one was the Egyptian empire. and it also fell after thousands of years..."
We've learned a lot from human history since the Egyptian Empire. Societies have been improving methods of "population control" over the centuries. The German "SS" nearly perfected it: "Night & Fog": People so well sealed away in secret imprisonment that NOBODY knew where they were. And now it's here in the U.S. These techniques didn't just come from the air: the U.N.'s been observing their effectiveness when used by our "enemies" in past wars, and they've refined and perfected their use to assure a quick and peaceful means of managing the public. This "empire" seems a little better planned than any of the previous ones history has recorded. So I wouldn't put too much hope in "survivors" & patriots chasing off the U.N. & its military police: They've already been placed here among us in increasing numbers over the past decade or longer. What do you make of it?
From: "dellenia_mae"Date: Wed Dec 26, 2001 2:28 pm Subject: Re: "UN" a Fake Theory... Your site puzzles me. Why would anyone look forward to being governed by a world government. 'power corrupts'. No one can govern fairly. It can only lead to a world dictatorship. Your messages keep dismissing what other people say as though you alone know the truth. the UNs main goal is to get power, it will get it by convincing everyone they will give peace, but its not theirs to give. Your happiness over the UNs enlargement has to be nothing but make believe on your part, think about it - Why are so many people against it? You cant just say something is wonderful and then magically it becomes wonderful. You need to look at the people who started the UN, who run it now, theyre communists and socialists - people who put their opponents in jail. Oh well Thats all for this session. Hope you read up on it a little more expansively before you write any more. Dellenia
From: "osram007"Date: Sat Dec 29, 2001 12:20 pm Subject: Welcome "dellenia_mae"... It's good to see some curiosity on the part of those who are unfamiliar with the benefits of the "New World Order". As to your comments, I would suggest you take on a little reading of your own:
Many organizations are tied in with the "New World Order: the U.N., the Freemasons, and various other secretive fraternal organizations which comprise what some ominoulsy refer to as the "Shadow Government".
Even though many people criticize the NWO, sometimes much truth can be found in the critics' articles; It's up to you to decide if it is Positive or Negative that the NWO is taking over.
(I hate to recommend an "opponent" website, but it gives a good picture of the kinds of things that are being feverishly worked on by the NWO [In this case, how WWII and the U.N. were contrived and created without effective interference from the citizenry]: - written with charming contempt!)
BE AWARE - and come to terms with the world we must live in today!
As far as the "sinister" groups behind the New World Order: Have you ever stopped to consider the many valuable contributions Freemasons have made to society?
1. In my community alone, over $318 was raised by a high school car wash for the homeless which was held on the grounds of the local Masonic Temple.
2. Many blood drives are held by the Masons, with much of the blood being used by the community at large, and not just for the Freemasons' own ritual activities;
3. The New World Order would probably never get off the ground if the Wisemen of the Freemasons didn't massage government activity (and the media) in such a way as to keep the hoarde of simpletons in our country from getting in the way;
4. If there weren't a New World Order, what else would people be doing? 90% of human activity is comprised of working, eating and going to the laundromat! What's the frigging difference if they do it under a New World Order or some cheese-brained "President"?FACE FACTS: the New World Order is organized, it's being advanced by MOTIVATED, energetic, financially-connected people.
The opponents of the NWO are just a bunch of dopes in hunting cabins fantasizing that they're Davey Crocket, incapable of organizing any effective, legal, "crafty" resistance to this New Age. They're not patient enough to devote 150 years to manipulating the laws toward their favor. But the "Shadow Government" has done just that.
So while they're out trying to make cold-cuts out of squirrels and possums as they attempt to hide from the NWO's U.N. police, the rest of us will be living in an advanced society, assembling appliances for our enlightened overlords.
All this talk of "freedom" is a red herring. You're in danger of being used by ignorant, misinformed rebels.
Be responsible: GIVE UP!
From: "microm1"Date: Wed Jan 2, 2002 1:26 pm Subject: Hello, Goodbye I got an invitation to this group, and as I usually do with clubs that may hold interest for me, I clicked on the url so I could take a look. Lo and behold, I became a member by so doing, something I had not intended to do (groups format is different than clubs in this sense, too).
I had hoped to find a site where I could learn a bit, participate a bit. On the contrary, I found a site where no one apparently has the slightest idea of who and what the U.N. is, nor apparently the U.S. either.
The U.N. is NOT a world government, nor a government of any kind; the U.S. has NOT "given the country away". On the contrary, the one threat to the world is the U.S. itself with its brazen attempts at dominating the world economic, military and political scene. Afghanistan is much more about oil than it is terrorists, for instance. And if you know about Bush's and Cheney's connection to oil, you can smell what's happening.
I leave you now, but with some facts about the U.N., from the official U.N. site:
The United Nations was established on 24 October 1945 by 51 countries committed to preserving peace through international cooperation and collective security. Today, nearly every nation in the world belongs to the UN: membership now totals 189 countries.
When States become Members of the United Nations, they agree to accept the obligations of the UN Charter, an international treaty which sets out basic principles of international relations. According to the Charter, the UN has four purposes: to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to cooperate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights, and to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations.
UN Members are sovereign countries. The United Nations is not a world government, and it does not make laws. It does, however, provide the means to help resolve international conflict and formulate policies on matters affecting all of us. At the UN, all the Member States - large and small, rich and poor, with differing political views and social systems - have a voice and vote in this process.
From: "anthonyeversole"Date: Thu Jan 3, 2002 3:04 am Subject: I'm pro-U.N. I have to wonder. Is this group pro-U.N. or anti-U.N.? Count me in as pro-U.N. because I believe the United Nations is about all people who have no voice. The proof is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To me... it seems easy for those, in the richest nations, to speak against the only voice some worldwide may ever have. I am proud to say that I done more. I gave a United Nations flag to my local park board to help promote an International Friendship Park in area schools and events.
From: "osram007"Date: Thu Jan 3, 2002 10:50 am Subject: Re: Hello, Goodbye I'm always a little amazed when other friends of the United Nations fail to delight in the Big Picture, and what a masterpiece of ingenuity the U.N. Fathers have put into motion! You have quoted the official language offered on the U.N.'s own website. We all realize, of course, that the Wise Counsels of the United Nations have assumed control over the world's power centers while soft-stepping around potential opposition on "little cat's feet". This language of the U.N.'s "peace initiatives" is crucial for cloaking their maneuvers from the reactionary public, particularly in America.
Unfortunately, many of us in the U.S. are not as responsible as others in the international community. (This is why it is so difficult to pass legislation to ban gun ownership for ordinary citizens here, for example.) Because of this, it has taken considerable shrewdness for the U.N. to jockey into its present position in which it is just "days" away from leading us out of the old "Independent Frontiersman" mentality and into the New Age where we all yield some of our liberty to a benevolent and wise International Government, for the sake of the greater good.
You know as well as I that Kofi Annan declared the United Nations will not recognize any nation's sovereignty if it acts in opposition to the U.N.'s edicts. For crying out loud, he got a Nobel Prize for saying that - it's hardly a secret! ["...he has made clear that sovereignty cannot be a shield behind which member states conceal their violations..." "Violations" of course, being defined by the Wise Leaders of the U.N. (Prize awarded October 12, 2001)].
It is to the benefit of you and I and the other enlightened minds among us to avoid losing ourselves in the saccharine prose of the U.N.'s public relations machine, and just rejoice in the fact that - FINALLY - the day long-dreamed-of is about to dawn!
Presidential Decision Directive #25, issued by President Clinton, turns United States military over to the U.N.
Fort Dix was closed and handed over to the U.N.
"USA" insignias are being removed from our military's uniforms and equipment, as this weaponry and personnel are being transferred to the Authority of the United Nations.
Fort Polk, Louisiana is not a training ground for U.N. troops: Russian, German, Turkish, and American. The United Nations flag now flies over this base.
Don't look at intentions (the words of the U.N. website) - look at RESULTS! The U.N. has broken the arrogant American spirit by hurling them into unwinnable wars in Vietnam and Korea. This allowed Americans to see themselves as losers in need of a Larger Force to lead them in the world's affairs. They will now accept the U.N. as that enlightened force to guide them through our uncertain future.
FORGET all the pretty phrases from the U.N.'s official website: Open your eyes and see what they're REALLY doing!
There are almost endless examples of the United Nation's successful acquisition of a World Military Force. Now exactly WHY in the world would they have this force if they didn't intend to USE it - and use it GLOBALLY! I have a lot more material at hand which proves the U.N.'s strength in global affairs, maybe I'll get into it more on a later post. For now I just wanted to make the point that we can rely on the U.N. to become the dominant governing body throughout the earth simply through the quiet acquisition of the world's military forces.
All the clever rhetoric has paid off: The biggest army in the world has been assembled while the public thought all the U.N. did was host a forum for third-world nations to squabble over fishing rights.
A new era is upon us. For some it's a day of rejoicing, for others it's a day of dread. It's up to you what side you're going to be on. But either way, we have to come to terms with it. Why not see the U.N. for what it is and make the best of it? Celebrate! We're eyewitnesses to the ushering-in of a New World! - Osram
From: DdCDate: Wed Jan 2, 2002 6:57 pm Subject: The Elkhorn Manifesto CONCLUSION The Elkhorn Manifesto Shadow of the Swastika
If, before you finished reading this publication, you ever wondered why the U.S. federal government refuses to consider the medicinal and industrial value of cannabis hemp, despite widespread and growing support from the public, medical experts, industry leaders, and a growing number of state legislators across this nation - you now have the answer.
For the past several generations, Americans have been systematically deceived about the true nature of cannabis hemp. Many Americans have died - victims of political murders. Millions have been imprisoned, their children and their property taken away, their futures destroyed. The history of my own state - Kentucky - and others as well, have been "sanitized," rewritten, our heritage deleted, our citizens defrauded and impoverished to bury the truth.
And if, before you finished reading this publication, you ever wondered why the U.S. federal government would train and finance Central American death squads; or why, while waging the so-called "war on drugs," the U.S. federal government would operate cocaine and heroin smuggling operations around the world, bringing in tons of drugs to places like Mena, Arkansas; or why the U.S. federal government would "spread democracy" throughout the world by assassinating democratically elected politicians - both at home and abroad - replacing them with right-wing dictators and training their secret police in the latest techniques of torture, terrorism, and mind control; or why the U.S. federal government would conduct deadly medical and radiation experiments on unsuspecting citizens - including pregnant women, the mentally impaired, and children - you now have the answer.
The last question is "what are we going to do about it?"
From: "knightstar1112"Date: Sun Jan 6, 2002 12:06 pm Subject: Re: DdC & DendeCannibist I was first attracted to this group by the debate between "Pro UN" and "Anti UN" sides... including the moderator's eccentric and somewhat bizarre acceptance of enslavement by the New World Order. Now I seem to have gotten lost in the dialog.
DdC & DendeCannibist: What does your interest in recreational mind-numbing herbs have to do with the UN & world politics? The world is in jeopardy like never before. It's a time for serious discussion. What planet are YOU living on?!
From: DdCDate: Mon Jan 7, 2002 6:06 pm Subject: THE CARLYLE GROUP: THE MOST POWERFUL COMPANY YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF January 4, 2002 on Democracy NOW! in Exile
Guest: Ahmed Rashid, author of the book Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia.
We turn now to a story about one of the most powerful companies you've never heard of. The company is called The Carlyle Group and in the wake of the events of September 11th, its power and influence have become significantly stronger. The company operates within the so-called iron-triangle of industry, government and the military. Its list of former and current advisers and associates includes a vast array of some of the most powerful men in America and indeed around the world. It has also brought together the current Secretary of State Colin Powell, former President George Bush, and a man named Bakr Bin Laden-Osama bin Laden's half brother.
In just a moment we are going to be speaking to Dan Briody from Red Herring magazine. He's written an extensive piece on the company called: "Carlyle's Way: Making a Mint Inside "The Iron Triangle" of Defense, Government and Industry." It begins:
"Like everyone else in the United States, the group stood transfixed as the events of September 11 unfolded. Present were former secretary of defense Frank Carlucci, former secretary of state James Baker III, and representatives of the bin Laden family. This was not some underground presidential bunker or Central Intelligence Agency interrogation room. It was the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, D.C., the plush setting for the annual investor conference of one of the most powerful, well-connected, and secretive companies in the world: the Carlyle Group. And since September 11, this little-known company has become unexpectedly important."
"That the Carlyle Group had its conference on America's darkest day was mere coincidence, but there is nothing accidental about the cast of characters that this private-equity powerhouse has assembled in the 14 years since its founding… And as the Carlyle investors watched the World Trade towers go down, the group's prospects went up."
From: Anthony EversoleDate: Tue Jan 8, 2002 1:51 am Subject: Re: [unitednationspatriots] Welcome, New Members --- osram007
wrote: > Welcome to the United Nations Patriots group. You > can probably see > this is no one-sided site! But it IS a great place > to challenge > opposing points of view. > > These are critical times, and the U.N. plays an > increasingly dominant > role in our everyday lives. I hope everyone can > feel free to let > their opinions fly without concern that somebody may > disagree. > > This site is neither "pro" or "con" - (even though > my views may be > obvious. But there's no censorship here). It's > really up to the writer > to make his or her argument. This is a site for > "grown-ups". Say what > you believe and see what happens! OK, I been busy for a few days, but I'll try this again. If you are an example of a "grown-up", then I know what is wrong with America. Is it your way or everybody else is wrong? I may actually be older than you. I thank you for at least not censoring my views. Then again, there is the idea of Freedom of Speech and other freedoms that people worldwide trying to acheive.
Here are facts that I read from books. The United Nations is a worldwide organization whose purpose is of international friendship and a voice for those who do not have the same rights we do. It was formed by a group of nations and it remains such today. The U.N. can't become a World Government, much less do anything else, without any support from the United States because it has the same VETO power over any action as China, Russia, France and Great Britian.
I will agree with you that the United States may give far too much support and the United Nations needs reformed, but I would to know your sources for what you say.
Yet, I will never agree the United Nations needs to be disbanned or that the U.S. needs to withdraw. To do so will be tragic. If you do not believe me, read a few history books about the League of Nations after WWI. I can tell you to go by a World Almanac and look it all up. That was my first step.
From: "osram007"Date: Wed Jan 9, 2002 2:45 pm Subject: Re: Welcome, New Members Anthony Eversole:
My comment regarding "grown-ups" pertained to those fainthearted individuals who leave a club/group as soon as they discover some comment that does not agree with their viewpoint - instead of having the gravel to put together an effective argument to challenge it. There's too much of that cowardice going on in other messageboards, and it makes for dull reading to see a succession of posts from people who just pat each other on the back.
Now, you seem to doubt that I'm "grown-up" because my views differ from yours. You're free to make that assessment, of course. The question is: am I WRONG? If the U.N. is not a "government", then how is it able to wage wars, effect trade sanctions and embargoes, and disregard the sovereignty of nations who oppose it?
Why must U.S. military personnel sign documents pledging their loyalty to, and to fight for, the U.N.? Why does the U.N. administer military bases in the U.S., such as Fort Dix and Fort Polk, and train foreign & American troops on those bases to fight for them... if they are not a government?
You're right: The U.N. has no power unless the U.S. gives it to them. What you seem to be unclear on is that America HAS given its power to the U.N. And don't hold your breath waiting for any nation's "Veto power" to curb U.N. initiatives. Power once given is difficult to retrieve.
You seem content that you base your opinions on information that you "read from books". No doubt the books must have had very impressive bindings to elicit your credulity on the subjects covered therein. Nevertheless, no book is above scrutiny, and a good litmus test is to compare the U.N.'s stated intentions with what we actually see going on in the world around us. No doubt the "history books" are going to reflect the opinions that our federally-financed-schools' purchasing agents will accept.
AGAIN: I assess an organization's character by its ACTIONS, not its statements. It is sheer naivete to rely on statements BY the U.N. to determine the intentions OF the U.N.
I'm not sure what portions of my posts you dispute, but since you distrust my information, I'll refer you to some other sites (though I may disagree with their ominous tone, they nevertheless reveal the intentions of the U.N.'s founders to acquire - and wield - political & military power): xt
And from:
"The UN was founded by Communists and CFR members whose common goal was a socialist world government. Sixteen key U.S. officials who shaped the policies leading to the creation of the UN were later exposed in sworn testimony as secret Communists. These included Alger Hiss, chief planner of the 1945 founding conference, and the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Harry Dexter White. The Soviet Union under Stalin and the entire Communist Party USA apparatus worked tirelessly to launch the UN. Since its beginning in 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has always worked for world government. The key CFR founder, Edward Mandell House, in his book, Philip Dru: Administrator, called for "Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx ...." The CFR was an early promoter of the UN, and 43 members of the U.S. delegation at the UN founding conference were or would become CFR members."
"The U.N. was founded by COMMUNISTS and Communist sympathizers: Alger Hiss - The U.N.' first Secretary General and later convicted as a Soviet agent." xt : "Added to the listing of communists busily working to create the UN were 43 current or future CFR members. Men of prominence in this group included CFR founder House's protege John Foster Dulles. (67) Also, Nelson A. Rockefeller, Adlai E. Stevenson, Edward R. Stettinius, Ralph Bunche, Philip C. Jesgup, and future CFR Chairman John J. McCloy. (58)There was, of course, a delegation from the USSR. It was led by Andrei Gromyko." (More from above listed websites.)
From: "osram007"Date: Thu Jan 10, 2002 3:32 pm Subject: Re: Hello, Goodbye [E-Mail reply from ""]
I did not run off quickly. It was NOT my intention to join the club when I went to take a look, but rather to take a look. I flat out delete the vast majority of invitations because they have little or no interest for me, but the U.N. and the U.S. and world politics DOES interest me. I just wanted to take a look at the club, what kind of members, the jist of the discussions etc.. With the new Groups format, it turned out that by clicking on the club url, I became a member; not that that was my intention. Only if the club had good, intelligent, informed discussion would I consider joining.
I am a founder in a number of clubs, one of which is U.S. politics. I am American, but have lived in Europe for 13 years, and I plan on staying here. I am from Dutch heritage as well, and feel very much at home here. My membership and activities as founder in several clubs keeps me more than busy; I work more than full time, still have two kids at home (8 and 13), so my life is more than busy. I do not have time enough as it is for my existing clubs, let alone join a new one. So I would join a new club only if it was something special, similar to my political club (Agenda 2001). And then only post as I had the time, meaning sporadically.
What I found at your club was some pretty far out stuff, none of it based on reality, none of it meshing with my own knowledge and experience, which is not a small amount. I could not hope to have an intelligent discussion or debate in such an atmosphere. I am very aware of American political, economic and military activity in the world, thus am no push-over for the "new world government" theories attributed by some Americans to the U.N.. On the contrary, the only organization wishing to become, and perhaps capable of, being "king of the hill" is the U.S. itself. The past 50 years of actual events, much of it covert, are evidence enough. The U.N. has no military, the only military organization that is international is NATO, and that is also dominated by the U.S.. No country in Europe has any military intentions of any kind anywhere in the world; and I speak from "being here"knowledge and experience.. The U.N. has no political power either; it does, however, have rules of membership, of course. Membership is entirely voluntary.
The U.N. has been able to help people in areas of basic need, as well as promote and maintain peace as well as possible in a strife-torn world. No other organization has been as successful in these areas. That it can be improved is true; all organizations can. I know one of the heads well (Ruud Lubbers, UNHCR), since he was president of this country for two terms. Extremely capable man, absolutely no intentions of power or control, but strong in communicating and helping people.
My assessment of the club is that I could contribute nothing there, nor would I get anything out of it. It is a club seemingly based on conspiracy type theories. Facts seem to play little role. Sorry, I can't be a member in such an atmosphere. And I don't have the time, nor the craziness, to try to bring some sanity into such an atmosphere. I foresee only endless arguing over theories and a neglect of facts and evidence. Waste of my time. E.D.
From: "osram007"Date: Thu Jan 10, 2002 3:34 pm Subject: Re: Hello, Goodbye Earl, In referring to the "United Nations Patriots" Group, your correspondence bears all the marks of a man seduced by his own sense of "importance" and "intelligence". Unfortunately, such seduction blinds the individual to facts which do not jibe with his opinions, though they are staring him in the face. And on that score, you speak of your "facts" and my "theories".
Ask someone in Kosovo, Palestine, Afghanistan, or Iraq whether or not the U.N. has "political power". In view of the U.N. "Peacekeeping Forces" operating throughout the world today, it is sheer ignorance to proclaim that the "U.N. has no military." Why then do those "peacekeepers" wear U.N. insignia on their uniforms as they enforce the U.N.'s agenda with steel projectiles, bayonets and missile-laden Black Hawk helicopters?
You're confident that your knowledge is "not a small amount," which I don't doubt. Sadly, it seems to be comprised of a large volume of redundant data which only reflects the bias of your particular side of the fence.
As to "facts": the U.N. does not make many facts available. EXAMPLE: Try to find the names of the U.N.'s founders on their website. NOTHING. They have wisely chosen to distance themselves from their Communist creators. The only "facts" they give are those which benefit the U.N.'s image rather than its reality. What you call "conspiracy theories" are facts based on the U.N.'s ACTIONS - they speak volumes for it, and they're open to all who are willing to see. "Osram"
From: "DendeCannabist"Date: Fri Jan 11, 2002 6:07 pm Subject: "osram700 Club? Glad 2C cheap talk went International! I'm sure to anyone bored enough to actually read your post through can attest, I simply skimmed the generalities and "because I said so's" and skipped to the other boring statement, typically of one with ones head in the sand, anywhere the sand be. Conspiracy? Eazy buzz word to discredit while avoiding any debate. Now I admit the Conspiracy sites are probably conspiracy theories. But the cannabis debate is a light switch debate. On or Off. It is or it isn't. And only censoring and avoiding the debate can perpetuate the profits of the war on cannabis. And keep the competition off of the market shelves. Shirley you wouldn't debate a machine's tensile strength or a labs protein levels or omega efa percentages? Or biomass or construction, paper, clothing sold on this very net, last year reaching $200 million in sles or medicinal value from doctors and patients and others without vested interest in avoiding the debate? The Conspiracy theories and government actions of the past and present only re-inforce the hard evidence and nobrainer debate. Cannabis is what I say it is and illegal for the reasons I say it is. Simple business. Surely you bore me. adios Goldfinger Peace, Love and Liberty DdC
From: "osram007"Date: Sat Jan 12, 2002 9:32 am Subject: The Cannabis Twins (DendeCannabist & DdC) Your posts have nothing to do with the subject of this Group (although I don't doubt that some of the U.N.'s membership employs hemp in some of their aboriginal religious rituals). Also, much of your content is comprised of cut & pastes of articles gleaned elsewhere. It just doesn't belong here. I'm sure there are hemp groups where you two can talk to each other. If not, start one.
From: "polymath66"Date: Mon Jan 14, 2002 11:39 pm Subject: Utopian Potheads Unite!!!!! What a snore, a den of potheads using a "serious" political discussion group to lobby for pot. Consider me unsubscribed. Jim
From: Date: Mon Jan 14, 2002 11:45 pm Subject: New poll for unitednationspatriotsEnter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the unitednationspatriots group: Do you think the potheads should . . .
o A) Be banished
o B) Get rehabilitated
o C) Get their own lame pothead club
o D) Get off the drugs to see how deluded they are or
o E) Just get lost - Whoops! They ALREADY are.
To vote, please visit the following web page:
Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups web site listed above. Thanks!
From: "osram007"Date: Tue Jan 15, 2002 8:26 am Subject: POTHEADS: GOODBYE! Just a quick note to inform and assure all members of this group that THE POTHEADS ARE GONE!!! I encourage everyone to post all politically relevant messages regarding the U.N. and any related subjects (pro or con). The Group is still new and I'm working hard to get the bugs out of it and keep it interesting. (I guess I didn't want to be accused of "censorship", but you can go too far in being "considerate" of people under the influence of herbal fumes.) I am hopeful that we can get a good forum for debate back on track here and keep the "lunatic agenda" from infecting the discussion. Sincerely, "Osram"
From: DdCDate: Tue Jan 15, 2002 1:38 pm Subject: Liars Welcome to the United Nations Patriots group - We want to hear your opinions! You will see that this is no one-sided site. But it IS a great place to challenge opposing points of view.
From: "osram007"Date: Tue Jan 15, 2002 3:56 pm Subject: Re: Liars Your posts have nothing to do with the subject of this Group. It's off-topic. The subject of the Group is the U.N. and its ability to become the de facto one-world-government (either PRO or CON). It's for POLITICAL DEBATE on relevant issues pertaining to this subject; It's a place for opposing views to be INTELLEGENTLY ARGUED.
Also, you post SEVERAL TIMES PER DAY, with much of your content comprised of cut & pastes of articles gleaned elsewhere.
Apparently, every time you find an article in "High Times" you feel obliged to post it.
It just doesn't belong here. I'm sure there are hemp groups where you two can talk to each other. If not, start one. Osram.
From: "anthonyeversole"Date: Wed Jan 16, 2002 6:13 am Subject: Will I be censored? I wonder who you refer to as "Potheads"? Are you deleted those who share views other than our own? You seem to like to say those who disagree with you, quoting the U.N. website. Actually, I am quoting something called a book. Luckily, the majority disagrees with you So I wish you well in your world. IF you seriously wish to educate us, just let us know how we can check our information.
From: "osram007"Date: Wed Jan 16, 2002 9:54 am Subject: Re: Will I be censored? I was very cautious about this. The person in question was posting a half-dozen or so messages per day, all on the subject of marijuana. Why was this a problem?
1. Because anyone who checked out the group for the first time would only see marijuana messages on the Home page... definitely leading to a wrong impression of the group's subject matter.
2. I posted a message addressed to this individual concerning this matter several days before (#47). He gave no response. Another member posted a similar comment even before this, which he also ignored (#27). I was left with the impression that he intended to blast the group with his excessive stream of messages regarding his interest in recreational drugs.
3. One member left the group because of frustration with these messages (#49).
At that point I had to consider what would best serve the majority of the group membership and keep the topic focused. It had nothing to do with disagreement with his political or U.N. views, but rather his methods. The posts were too excessive and too off-topic.
As to your other comments: If you had read my response (#34)to your earlier post, you would not be confused on the matter of believing something simply because you saw it "in something called a book". I also gave you a list of other websites which contained information which may explain the subject more clearly to you. It isn't a question of what the majority agrees with: It's a simple matter of what the facts say: That is, ALL the facts taken together.
- "Osram"
From: "allipony"Date: Wed Jan 16, 2002 10:00 am Subject: UN actions While looking into the UN, I have noted several things about the united Nations. First of all, the UN never really seems to get anything done, they just sit around and talk. I know that it is better than nothing but let's not fool ourselves. The only reason that the UN is still around is that there is nothing else to turn to. I have been a delegate of a Model United Nations confrence. I know it is not the same as the real united nations, but it is pretty close. It is frusterating to debate resolutions for hours and then have it turned down, or not have it pass. It is like that in the UN. Most of it is talk, there isn't much action. I do agree, they have done a bit of work. But the five nations in the security council are given too much power, there is too much argument in the general assembly. Now anyways, I just started this to get the debate moving. My views on this subject tend to be mixed. Today I feel frusturated the the UN site, maybe another day I will embrace the UN and all their peace keeping missions.
From: "allipony"Date: Wed Jan 16, 2002 10:08 am Subject: The question of Globalization This question has been on the UN and other organizations for a while...Do we want a globalized, united world? Personally, I think that globalization is good, to some extent. Like with the case of the Euro, it united Europe as a region of the world so tourists can now travel easier (there are lost of other benefits aswell). But I do not feel that being so globalized as to having a mc donalds in every town in every nation is necessary. Cultural diffusion can help or hurt a country. My views may seem to contradict each other at first, but think about it in depth. What are your opinions?
From: "knightstar1112"Date: Wed Jan 16, 2002 3:32 pm Subject: The U.S. owes the UN money? I've heard that America owes the UN a lot of money. I know the US pays SOMETHING to the U.N., but I never heard any actual figures. I checked some of the sites you listed at the end of message 34 & searched some others, and came across some info:
"In 1999 alone the American people have furnished precisely TEN BILLION, ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY NINE MILLION DOLLARS to support the work of the United Nations. No other nation on earth comes even close to matching that singular investment." - ( The United States is assessed 25 percent of the UN's general budget, double that of any other nation. For years,we've been paying 25 percent of the budget while being treated like a Third World nonentity. U.S. taxpayers are contributing an estimated $4 BILLION A YEAR. But the worst part is that they involve U.S. troops and U.S. risk in faraway places where we have no national security interest. - (
The U.N. has acquired billions in military bases and equipment, mainly from the US. If the UN has no interest in governing the world, why does it have a MILITARY, a CONSTITUTION which the world has to obey or face "PEACEKEEPERS" coming in to slaughter them?
It looks to me like the only respect for "human rights" the UN has is just some Public Relations baloney to get the world to agree with their achieving more power. The very design of the United Nations seems intended for something close to absolute power. (What ALWAYS happens when people attain ABSOLUTE POWER - despite "good intentions?")
Anyway thats my two-cents for now as I read over this information.
From: "dellenia_mae"Date: Fri Jan 18, 2002 12:37 pm Subject: Re: UN actions "All talk and no action" is pretty much S.O.P. for any organization. It usually takes an emergency of some kind to get any kind of action. But if you consider whats going on now in afghanistan, there's some UN involvement in that, & theyre getting **something** done. Frustrating to spend hours & days arguing a point, i'm sure, but its getting the viewpoint aired thats important, whether or not everyone catches on right away. As long as theres some doubt about the UN's intentions, I expect youll see some foot-dragging in the debating arena. Keep fighting the good fight! Dellenia Mae
From: "allipony"Date: Sun Jan 20, 2002 8:30 am Subject: Re: The U.S. owes the UN money? Slight Correction. The UN doesn't have a CONSTITUTION, it has a CHARTER.
I can see why you are frusturated. If you look back at some of my previous posts, they go on about how the UN is more talk than anything else. And yet, they are spending lots of money.
Since go to MUN confrences, I have looked into the charter of the UN. Although I have not read all of it (I don't have the time these days) it outlines some basic points, like the workings of the UN, how they get things done, etc. etc. It also points out that all nations in the GA (General Assembly) are represented equally, with the same vote.
Remember, however, that the US holds a strong position in the security council, along with France, Russia, Britian, and China (I'm pretty sure I got those right). Still, that is a ton of money. So, where does all the UN money go? Alli
From: "osram007"Date: Tue Jan 22, 2002 12:13 pm Subject: Re: The U.S. owes the UN money? (Actually, the U.N. does have a Constitution in addition to its Charter. See: or
As to the matter of the United Nations owing money, Roscoe Bartlett, a congressman from Maryland, introduced the "The United Nations Erroneous Debt Act" and came up with the following figures:
Between 1946 and 1996, the United States contributed in excess of $32 billion to the United Nations.And, as Rep. Christopher Smith (R-New Jersey) notes, "We have also paid at least $22 billion since 1992 in additional costs in support of U.N.-authorized peacekeeping." [Christopher Smith, "Uncertain problem," The Washington Times, 21 October 1999.]
Who Owes Whom? In 1997, this issue made headlines when Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-Maryland) introduced the United Nations Erroneous Debt Act. Bartlett pointed out that, according to a 1996 General Accounting Office (GAO) Report for fiscal years 1992-1995, the United Nations actually owes money to the United States. Between 1992 and 1995, the United States spent $6.6 billion on peacekeeping activities in Haiti, the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Somalia. Of this amount, the United Nations reimbursed the United States for only $79.4 million. And of the original $6.6 billion, the United Nations was only willing to count $1.8 million toward U.S. dues.1 Hence, the congressman did some calculations:
$6 .6 billion - U.S. voluntarily paid for peacekeeping
- $1 .8 billion - U.N. counted toward U.S. dues/assessments
$4 .8 billion - U.N. owes to U.S.
- $0 .079 billion - U.N. paid to U.S.
$4 .7 billion - U.N. owes to U.S.
- $1 .3 billion - U.S. "debt" to U.N. (according to Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations*)
$3 .4 billion - final figure: U.N. owes to U.S.
From: "osram007"Date: Fri Jan 25, 2002 10:17 am Subject: U.N., "Debt," & U.S. Payments Kofi Annan has made it his mission to retrieve money supposedly owed to the U.N. by the United States and other nations. But he never mentions the GARGANTUAN SUMS ALREADY being paid yearly by the U.S. This is understandable once we take a look at those figures. It is difficult to credibly claim "poverty" whole receiving TEN BILLION, ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY NINE MILLION DOLLARS ($10,179,000,000.00) a year.
We in the U.S. also give the U.N. land, bases, military equipment including tanks, planes, Black Hawk helicopters and other vehicles of war. That's quite a smokescreen, that protest of the U.S. being delinquent in its dues, when in actuality the United States is pumping its Life's Blood into the U.N. with the American tax dollars it is already squeezing from us.
Another surprise is that the U.S. is assigned a higher PERCENTAGE of U.N. expenses than other countries - so they can say we're "in debt" simply because they DREAM about what the "appropriate" amount of cash should be from Santa Claus America. It seems that Kofi Annan and his friends like to keep secrets. Of course, that's nothing new.
The list of names of those who wrote (and otherwise contributed to) the "U.N. Charter" is ABSENT from any mainstream information source. (I'm still searching; will post names and political affiliations as soon as I am successful). It would be embarrassing for this "humanitarian" organization to be seen as the offspring of Communist and Socialist parents.
Almost all U.N. supporters regard the organization as a benevolent peacekeeper, a helper of the poor, hungry, oppressed, and politically powerless. the actions of the U.N., however, involve pressuring other governments for ever more money and more power to "commandeer" other countries' military forces in order to enforce the U.N.'s wishes in any nation which would rather not be invaded by this intrusive organization.
Are people just imagining that the U.N. is a peace-loving debating club? When you read the statements of the people who originally planned it, it appears to be nothing less ambitious than a (prospective) world government. (The "Dumbarton Oaks" conference on October 16, 1944, revealed as much in its preliminary description of the structure and purpose of what would become the United Nations:
"The new world order will be named the United Nations..." "...It is intended that all nations will belong..." "The United Nations should have armadas of 'national air force contingents immediately available' to send against an aggressor" (Time magazine, October 16, 1944)].
Even in its earliest inception, the founders of this body intended it to be a global government, so it is sheer ignorance to consider the U.N.'s intentions to be anything other than a world political & military power.
Everything we can read about the original founders of the U.N. indicates they intended it to be just that: to reduce each nation's sovereignty by a measure, and to ASSIMILATE that measure of sovereign power to itself. By this means, the U.N. has indeed acquired its own military force to fling into battle anywhere throughout the earth.
Kofi Annan has openly declared his intention to disregard national sovereignty, thereby declaring the U.N. to be INTERNATIONALLY SOVEREIGN. Kofi himself has put THAT debate to rest. Now it's probably time to begin discussing WHAT the U.N. intends to do with this political and military power!
From: "osram007"Date: Sat Jan 26, 2002 9:50 am Subject: New poll: HOW DO YOU SEE THE U.N.? Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the United Nations Patriots Group: HOW DO YOU VIEW THE U.N.?
1. A group of nations working together for world peace
2. An attempt by the U.S. to pressure other nations to follow its policies
3. An attempt by socialists to pressure capitalist countries
4. A virtuous, yet frail, system that needs more time before it can produce effective results in establishing peace
5. An attempt by the world's largest bamking houses to create a one-world government
To vote, please visit the following web page: Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups website listed above. Thanks!
From: "knightstar1112"Date: Mon Jan 28, 2002 12:56 pm Subject: NEW POLL: PROPHESY & the U.N. From: Date: Mon Jan 28, 2002 2:33 pm Subject: New poll for United Nations Patriots
Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the United Nations Patriots group:
PROPHESY & the UN: What do the following verses mean in relation to the UN:
Revelation 13:7 - ...and power was given him over all peoples, languages, and nations.
Revelation 13:4 - And they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?
Luke 21:35 - For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth [not suspecting a 'peace' organization to turn on them].
Daniel 8:25 - And through his policy he shall cause deceit to prosper in his hand; PEACE destroy many...
1Thessalonians 5:3 - For when they shall say, PEACE and safety; then sudden destruction will come upon them,... and they shall not escape.
o It is pure coincidence that the U.N. continually proclaims "peace" while it builds up an international military
o That the U.N.'s founders read these verses and deliberately patterened the U.N. after the antichrist
o It is a prophetic warning to believers in this present day
o It seems to correspond to the U.N. and/or present day world politics & wars, but I still have my doubts
o What if those verses ARE referring to the U.N.... what are we supposed to do about it?
To vote, please visit the following web page: Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups web site listed above. Thanks!
From: "timberland_fighter"Date: Fri Feb 1, 2002 11:13 am Subject: Re: POTHEADS: GOODBYE! --- In unitednationspatriots@y..., "osram007"
wrote: > Just a quick note to inform and assure all members of this group that > THE POTHEADS ARE GONE!!! > I encourage everyone to post all politically relevant messages > regarding the U.N. and any related subjects (pro or con). ... I take it, your a drinker. Maybe a drunk? Fact is, drinkers cause more deaths & crime than "Potheads". 30% of the general population between 18 & 50 are pot users. They are not a threat to anyone. Most are laid back folks.
Go jump on the crack users, dealers, and alcohol users who cause problems. There should be stiffer laws on the drinkers. Alcohol is more dangerous than pot. Thats just my opinion.
From: "osram007"Date: Fri Feb 1, 2002 12:29 pm Subject: Re: POTHEADS: GOODBYE! Read posts #68 & #70.
Neither a drinker or doper, thanks. The problem, ONCE AGAIN, is that this person was posting 6 or more messages a day all on the same subject: marijuana. Other members of the Group complained, some left. I posted replies to the person in question. He didn't respond. At least take the trouble to read what I've posted already in response to this question before you complain.
Is there something about the description of this Group that gives the impression that it's about drugs and booze? What's the confusion here? If you're so proud of smoking dope, why don't you and the other dude start a hemp group & see what kind of a draw you get.
WORLD POLITICS: That's the topic! The world's getting a bit chaotic... has anyone noticed? 9-11? Suspension of constitutional freedoms, wars and rumors of wars... DOES ANYONE CARE ABOUT ANY OF THIS?
From: "tflemingwfa"Date: Tue Mar 5, 2002 7:08 am Subject: Dinner with Benjamin Barber Dear Global Activists --
The World Federalist Association Spring Assembly is taking place March 9-12, 2002 on Capitol Hill. The theme this year is "Terrorism's Challenges to Sovereignty & Security."
Join us for dinner and discussion with Benjamin R. Barber, best- selling author of "Jihad vs. McWorld: Terrorism's Challenges to Democracy" on Sunday evening, March 10th at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, DC. Dr. Barber will be addressing the concerns surrounding globalization and the need for democratizing international decision-making institutions - the "second front" in the war on terrorism. Copies of "Jihad vs. McWorld" will be available for purchase and signing with Dr. Barber. The event begins at 6:00pm at the Capitol Hill Club, 300 First Street SE, Washington, DC -- directly across the street from the Capitol South Metro Station and Cannon House Office Building. The booksigning and talk is free and open to the public (Dinner $35).
Additional events during the Assembly include -- * Norwegian Ambassador Knut Vollebaek will discuss "The Nobel Prize, the United Nations and the Road Ahead," with Cora Weiss (International Peace Bureau), Anne Bader (The Fund for Peace) and others on Saturday, March 9th.v
* Inspired by Richard Falk and Andrew Strauss's article in Foreign Affairs journal, students from across the country will simulate the challenges, debates and possible solutions foreseeable in a Preparatory Commission to Establish a Global Parliament, throughout the conference.
* Victoria Holt, Senior Researcher with the Stimson Center, will discussing the urgent reforms in UN peacekeeping to allow intervention before a conflict escalates into genocide, Sunday, March 10th.
* World Federalist Association members and supporters will receive in- depth global issue briefings and meet with their Members of Congress on Capitol Hill.
For more information, call 1-800-WFA-0123 or download Lobby Day information and registration forms (including a appointment request form for your Member of Congress) at
From: "nighteyes1991"Date: Wed Mar 13, 2002 2:36 pm Subject: Re: Benjamin Barber Benjamin R. Barber takes more time to avoid making a point than anyone I've read. (Check out: - what do YOU think? Anyone?) But it's your shindig. If that satisfies your curiosity about the direction our world is going in, what can I say? He'll still be babbling on about some inconsequential point when the 22nd century is looming over the horizon. nighteyes
From: "osram007"Date: Mon Apr 1, 2002 10:36 am Subject: SUMMARY of the GROUP When "United Nations Patriots" began on Nov 19, 2001, it was my intention to spark a discussion between Pro & Anti U.N. voices. This hasn't occurred, and for several probable reasons:
The Pro-U.N. people are so concerned about world peace that they see no danger in creating a single agency to superintend such a peace. They don't seem to believe that a world-wide governing body could become the world's greatest TYRANT. (Who would they have to answer to?)
The Anti- U.N. people resign themselves to the idea that a One-World Government is inevitable, and there's no point in arguing against it. They feel that the only solution is to privately prepare to live in seclusion in some frontier setting, hoping for it to blow over.
The two sides have NO CLEAR POINT TO FOCUS THEIR DIFFERENCES UPON. The Pro-U.N. people are NOT saying, "World tyranny is good," and Anti- U.N. people are NOT saying, "World peace is bad." As an "independent survivalist", I had hoped to reveal just how powerful the U.N. has become militarily and politically, and that their original agenda was formed by Communists. The Pro-U.N. people would either refuse to believe this, or else regard it as good news because it meant that the U.N. could enforce its "peaceful" agenda.
The Anti-U.N. people didn't care about such reports because they already heard them and believed them, so they didn't comment on them. Some were just suspicious that the Group was some undercover operation by the U.N. or the Feds looking for names of "Survivalist/Militia" people.
At least I learned something about the thought processes of each side. PRO-U.N. PEOPLE ARE GENERALLY SATISFIED THAT the mainstream media is unbiased, that the government is free of hidden conspiracies, and that the "LUMINARIES" WITHIN EDUCATIONAL CIRCLES BY- AND-LARGE LEAD THE HUMAN RACE TO AN AGE OF PEACE AND ENLIGHTENMENT - provided that they are not encumbered by "ignorant" religious types and those who'd prefer to live free from being monitored by "society" (government).
Conversely, THE ANTI-U.N. PEOPLE HAVE NO WISH TO NETWORK WITH OTHERS, nor even design a plan for their own society which could stand the test of time. Individually, they are intelligent and have good insights into our future. As a group, however, THEY LACK SHREWDNESS. They make no "5-year-plans", much less any plans for a social structure that would last into the next century.
The U.N. WAS BUILT BY people who labored over intricate plans for 200 years or so, through the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and THE LARGEST BANKING HOUSES IN THE WORLD (e.g., the Rothschilds), and they have a multi-faceted structure of financial coercion (through the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK and their sister banks in other countries) that WILL FORCE THE PUBLIC TO GO IN THE DIRECTION THE HEADS OF THESE BANKS WANT THEM TO GO. Public opinion goes where the gold is.
It's too bad the independent survivalists cannot find it within them to persevere with a 100-YEAR-PLAN for social change of their own: To RE-ESTABLISH A CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT, eliminate the Federal Reserve and back money with gold, to limit the power of the Federal government over the states, and perhaps MOST of all: GIVE THE U.N. A MUCH DESERVED KICK IN THE ASS OUT OF THE COUNTRY, and make it clear to the world that our country will not abase its sovereignty to any other body.
But it doesn't look like that's going to happen anytime soon. Maybe small bands of survivalists will form societies unto themselves to wait-out whatever mess the U.N.'s tyranny tries to throw the world into. And maybe that's the best we can hope for.
Let's see if we can move ahead in a new direction, both in this Group, and also in changing the world to something more in keeping with the individual freedoms America's founding fathers had envisioned.
Oscar Rutherford "Osram"
From: "Tony Fleming, Director of Communications"Date: Tue Apr 2, 2002 7:30 am Subject: Re: SUMMARY of the GROUP You've neglected to account for those of us who are neither Pro-UN as it is currently structured nor Anti-UN because we know that some problems cannot be adequately addressed at the national level. I am a confirmed Federalist - understanding that sovereignty ultimately resides in We the People, regardless of our nationality, government or political affiliation, and that from that origin, We delegate power to various levels that most effectively address problems and meet our needs. The closest example of this process is the United States of America, in which we have delegated sovereignty to our local town councils, county and state governments and to a central government. I also feel that if We the People so desire, it is our sovereignty right to delegate to other levels, below or above those mentioned, whether you take that from a theoretical interpretation or derived from the Ninth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
The current UN structure suffers from the same problem our government did under the Articles of Confederation. Despite increasing common concerns, it suffers from a substantial democratic deficit. Where in the UN are We the People represented? Where are the checks on the ambitious TWO by the Security Council, or on the actions of peacekeepers by the World Court? The Confederation Congress was almost overrun by soldiers not being paid for Revolutionary War duty during the Newburg Conspiracy. Today, millions die as the Security Council debates which nation will contribute troops and supplies to stop a genocide. Is this anyway to govern a society that freely and enthusiastically trades and travels between its members, taking that almost as a given right of a free people? Can capitalism and democracy survive independent of each other?
Personally, I feel there are problems (globalization, terrorism, etc) that our national government have been unable and will continue to be unable to address because they're national authorities trying to impose rules at the global level. This is why I support We the People being able to stand up and delegate authorities on the global level to address these global problems and meet my needs as a citizen when my national government has failed to do so.
This is why I am a world federalist. Tony Fleming
[satirical msg]From: "chiefofstaffcea"
Date: Thu Apr 4, 2002 8:36 am Subject: The Anglo-American Taliban American-Based Terror Groups Captured With Enemy Fighters by Jon Chance
April 4 — A group of American-based terrorists were captured with the Taliban forces in Afghanistan last fall, the CEA has learned, and US officials are trying to decide what to do with them.
The terrorist group that calls itself the Council on Foreign Relations, is being held captive in New York City and Washington DC. The terror group originated from the British Empire. Therefore, the CFR has dual US and British "citizenship" unless they renounced their US "citizenship".
US officials say the CFR was swept up near Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan, in the fighting last fall. But the terror group has been claiming US origin since 1921 and controlling the CIA, the NSC and other terrorists prior to 1947.
The CFR is apparently the eleventh American-based terror group found among the Taliban and al Qaeda fighters captured during the US-led campaign in Afghanistan. Sources told UPI that the CFR will likely be tried in criminal court, just like Enron, Citigroup, the Blackstone Group, the Carlyle Group, the JDL, the Federal Reserve Corporation and other American-based terror groups.
The CFR faces over 100,000 charges of conspiring to murder US nationals, providing support and services to foreign terrorist organizations including al Qaeda and using firearms and destructive devices during crimes of violence. Three of the charges carry a maximum life sentence; the other seven have prison terms of up to 900 years.v
Ventura Denies Torture Talk
In Minnesota, Secretary of Defense Jesse Ventura defended the way the US is handling the case of prisoners said to be members of Osama bin Laden's inner circle. Officials told UPI that Henry Kissinger, John Deutch, Joseph Lieberman, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Rudolph Giuliani and other terrorists are being held in American compounds and that they are not expected to be transferred to Guantanamo Bay right away.
Ventura said US intelligence officials will try to get everything out of captured top al Qaeda lieutenant George Herbert Walker Bush that he knows, but denied reports that the man would be tortured to make him talk.
"Torture is un-Constitutional, so perhaps we'll just exile Bush and other terrorists to Iran," he said at a Defense Department briefing on Wednesday.
Ventura said Kissinger and Cheney, "are receiving medical care. And we intend to get every single thing out of them to try to prevent terrorist acts in the future.
"They will be properly interrogated by proper people who know how to do those things... we will be responsible for that interrogation. Not we the Department of Defense, we the United States of America," he said.
Sources told UPI that Bush is being transferred to a Middle Eastern country where torture is often used on prisoners, perhaps to deceive him into thinking he will be tortured. Officials said they will not allow torture, and Bush will be questioned by people who are not American, or at least do not appear to be.
They also said they did not want Bush to have contact with other prisoners and hope to keep him in "extreme isolation" as part of a psychological warfare effort to get him to reveal information.
Kissinger is the highest-ranking member of al Qaeda captured since the US-led coalition began its military campaign in Afghanistan on Oct. 7. He allegedly took over the day-to-day operation of al Qaeda after it became too dangerous for bin Laden and his top lieutenant, Bush. Officials believe Kissinger was organizing a new round of attacks at the time of his capture.
While the capture of Bush may be a coup for the US-led anti-terror campaign, it does not mean that the threat presented by al Qaeda has appreciably diminished, officials said.
"We believe the threat of terrorism is high still," FBI Director Robert Mueller said. "Their ability to carry out terrorist acts has been hampered around the world … nonetheless there is ability there … so we still have to be alert."
`A Tactical Pause'
Meanwhile, a British terrorist said Taliban and al Qaeda fighters still on the loose in Afghanistan may change their tactics, but they are not likely to give up their fight against the World Bank Group's troops in that country.
"The threat to the Bank of England and the World Bank Group here is very real," Tony De Reya, a gunman with the British, said after the arrival of roughly 100 British terrorists at Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul.
He described the Taliban and al Qaeda as being in a "tactical pause," but said that there is no doubt they are planning more attacks in a "variety of commando styles."
He said the threats range from limited conventional attacks with small arms and more sophisticated weapons or attacks on individual targets with mines, grenades and improvised bombs. Even such small-scale operations as ambushes, assassinations and kidnappings are possible, he said.
De Reya confirmed the string of reports over the last two weeks that al Qaeda and Taliban loyalists are regrouping in eastern Afghanistan. British terrorists told Reuters that the gunmen would not have been sent to Afghanistan if there was not a serious threat in the country.
"We've got an idea on groupings, we've got an idea on sizes," he said. "There are large groupings of al Qaeda-Taliban in certain areas of operation."
As many as 700 British terrorists are expected to be in Afghanistan by mid-April. They will train for about two weeks as they adjust to the high altitude and the weather conditions before they see any combat, the CFR admitted.
Congressman: US Should Consider Bombing Israel
The US government should "seriously" consider the claims of Palestinians who lost family members to Zionist bombs, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Tex., said during a visit Wednesday to the war-torn country. There has been no definitive count of how many innocent civilians lost their lives to bombs that missed their intended targets, with estimates ranging from several hundred to the thousands.
Most governments have said the US should consider compensation, or simply invading Israel and removing the Stern Gang and other fanatical Zionists.
From: "osram007"Date: Fri Apr 5, 2002 11:47 am Subject: Re: SUMMARY of the GROUP The World Federalist Organization's goal of democratizing the U.N. is a worthy one. The problem, I believe, is that the U.N. is wholly disinclined to accept an elected body of representatives to form its "legislature". The U.N. was established without the consent of the people, and its founders and present leaders are not likely to open themselves up to democratic influences which could interfere with their long-term intentions, such as they are.
I appreciate your viewpoints on the WFA, but I'm concerned about their absence of any references to "freedom" ...rather, they only speak of "peace". Peach can be achieved, theoretically, under a tyranny, wherein the people are simply afraid to make a move and conduct themselves "peacefully". also, the WFA equates peace with strong government.
WFA: "We believe that peace is not merely the absence of war, but the presence of justice, of law, of order - in short, of government and the institutions of government."
Freedom entails an element of risk, and that makes it distasteful to some. That's acceptable. Those who wished to take the risks of living free 200 - 300 years ago came to this continent and tried, eventually, to engineer a government that "governed least" - affording the lack of interference necessary to permit individual liberty.
I think the U.N. is attempting to persuade people to accept the surrender of their freedoms for the sake of peace.
I suspect that, as the U.N. increases in power, it will toss a bone here and there to political interest groups to appear "democratic", perhaps they'll give the WFA a nominal role in superficial U.N. administration, but free of any real influence. They'll do the same with religion, where we'll be given the choice of "approved" beliefs within the World Council of Churches - (who won't interfere with the people's seeing the U.N. as their "supreme being"... And similar facades of democratic "concession".
Anyway, I can understand your interest in the WFA's desire to improve global influences. Thanks, Osram
From: Michelle GalinDate: Sun Apr 28, 2002 3:05 am Subject: Reality Goliath asphyxiating the Palestinian David
People are looking for FREEDOM to worship, FREEDOM to speak their mind, FREEDOM to live their lives, this is not possible until human rights for all are respected whether we call the land Israel or Palestine. Racist acts of destruction and killing perpetrated by immigrants, from the beginning of the 1900s is the problem, racism is the problem, respect for human rights is the solution. I doubt the Palestinians will conduct a terrorist attack on the US. Of all the countries in the world, Palestinians have the highest rate of Ph.Ds. Education is so important to them that parents will go without food to get their children educated. These are very smart people. Their nature is also very peaceful. They would never do what the Israelis are doing. Their reaction to Israelis oppression is very indicative as to how terrible the Israelis really are to them, how evil zionism really is. I seriously doubt that even US citizens would not uprise in far worse mass violence to even the slightest attack. As a matter of fact, US citizens already do. Notice that the Islamists have refrained from targeting Jews outside of Palestine. In history, the Arabs and the Muslims never experienced the Dark Ages If it hadn't been for the Crusades going into the Middle East and taking what they did from the Middle East back to Europe, the Dark Ages might never have ended. Arabs and Muslims in their own right have long been a progressive culture. The West may be so progressive in many ways, but Western attitudes in many other ways have never left the dark ages. In the Dark Ages fear was the one thing used to control the masses. Palestine was part of Canaan when the Jews first invaded it after they fled from Egypt 470 years after Abraham went from Ur in Sumer (Iran ?) , through Canaan, to Egypt where he went and lived. I think the whole world should mobilise against this murderous Israeli occupation of Palestine, not just Arabs and all Muslims, but also every country who wants to make it clear that bulldozing people's homes, ethnic cleansing, masse murder of civilians or unarmed men, and physical abuse of captives are not tolerable, but immoral and criminal, and all perpetrators must be immediately prosecuted.
Thousands of Palestinian civilians remain under curfew; communities are still suffering from a lack of food, water and medical supplies; and humanitarian aid workers continue to be prevented from providing assistance to besieged communities, Since the beginning of the Intifada on 29 September 2000, DCI/PS has documented the cases of 266 Palestinian children killed by the Israeli military or settlers. This figure does not include children killed in Nablus and Jenin over the last 3 weeks for which accurate information is currently unavailable. On 22 April at around 9pm, Israeli soldiers in a military jeep drove into the Old City of Ramallah and began destroying cars located next to the Arab Bank.
From: "mfreudigmann"Date: Sun Apr 28, 2002 3:49 pm Subject: Anti-semitism Not for one moment do I condone the way Israel is seeking to defend itself from a perceived threat, but I think we need to look at the facts rather than just post propaganda.
I don't have the statistics with me (I'll try to find them this afternoon and post them here if I get the time), but from memory, Israel, which before 1948 was offically called 'Trans-Jordan' and unofficially, 'Palestine' was predominantly Jewish (according to the World Census Bureau) because it was against the law to be a Jew and live in Jordan. Even if it wasn't, the international community gave Israel the land and you cannot deny that for the last 54 years Israel has been attacked again and again and again, sometimes the enemies were external, sometimes internal. Never-the-less, I repreat that I do not condone what Israel has done.
Let me paint this picture for you. On September 11, 2001, America was attacked by several sucicide bombers who used aeroplanes to kill about 3500 Americans. America (rightly, or wrong I don't know, I don't know the evidence) then fingered bin Laden, and demanded that the Taliban, the ruling party of Afganistan, hand over bin Laden. Afganistan refused for two reasons: (1) they weren't holding him, (2) they wanted evidence, which America refused to give (for various legitimate reasons). For two weeks they negiotiated with Afganistan at which point America refused to talk anymore and said, in effect, "we're going to come in, bomb the crap out of you, pull down your party etc etc". Afganistan asked to further negiotiate and America refused. Four weeks after Sept 11, 2001, America and its allies invaded Afganistan, a soverign nation in pursuit of a suspect. In doing so, they displaced hundreds of thousands of people and the onset of winter in a land that was already inhospitable. After several months of bombing they discover that bin Laden wasn't there. Was there any apology to the Afgani people for the death and distruction and invasion of a soverign nation? has there been any compensation given? Don't give me the crap about food aid, look at the cost of that verses the cost of the campaign. America and her allies (of which I am one) has killed more people in Afganistan than were killed on September 11. .......
Perhaps what Israel is doing is WRONG but neither you or I can jump up and down after what our countries have just done! The UN is not imparital, they carry their idealogies from their respective countries...let's not deceive ourselves ok...let's not believe everything we read that confirms our own perspective.
From: "mfreudigmann"Date: Thu May 16, 2002 2:39 am Subject: OSRAM007 please mediate here! Osram007, I hate to ask you do do this, but can you please mediate this discussion some more? I'm not asking you to boot Michelle or censor her posts, because frankly I'm not convinced I've behaved in the most gracious manner. Is there some way we can make some rules (or enforce them if they already exist) that will prevent this situation from happenning? I'm not asking you to take sides, I'm just wanting to encourage activity and discussion on the board I have felt that Michelle's discourage that. So, if the solution is that I just shut-up...I am willing to do that...but please intervene here a little. Michael
From: "osram007"Date: Thu May 16, 2002 9:21 am Subject: Re: OSRAM007 please mediate here! I agree, some of the views are frustrating to read. On the other hand, that's sort of the purpose of the group: If someone doesn't think a viewpoint holds water, then its up to that party to make his or her argument against it. I realize it's a problem if one member posts several propagandistic messages a day; I don't think it's come to that just yet.
"peacemaiden2002" has posted a good amount of Palestinian history (something that's hard to find in mainstream history books, and hence has led to the erroneous opinion that Arabs have NO claim to the area).
Your replies have effectively argued that her motive may be predominantly a one-sided condemnation of Jews. I think each side is a "big boy" and can tolerate the the slings and arrows of debate (I'm speaking generally, not referring to members of this group). The onus is on each to validate their respective arguments with fact and/or opinion.
For my own two cents on the matter: I believe Israel has a valid case for a homeland. However I think they were "tricked" somewhat by the United Nations when the state of "Israel" was established: it was done in such a way as to guarantee constant turmoil in the region, by failing to negotiate with the Arab states at the time. And just when Israel was fairly solidly established, the U.N. couldn't leave well- enough alone and pushed for a Palestinian state headed by Arafat (one would have to be brain-dead to believe that such an arrangement could exist side-by-side in perpetual peace).
(UNANSWERED QUESTION: WHY would the U.N. deliberately want to create a condition of turmoil? Maybe to justify the enlargement of the United Nations military organization, to justify more funding, or to increase the political power of the U.N. organization in general... [or all of the above])
So maybe BOTH of you hate my take on the issue, I don't know. But I hope the Group is strong enough to maintain continued discussion on the subject. I look forward to any input you may have. - Osram
From: "mfreudigmann"Date: Thu May 16, 2002 10:03 pm Subject: I'm off for two weeks on prac! Sorry to leave you all...but I'm going away on prac for two weeks. Let's see how it's gone when I get back huh? I'll try and get on- line but I don't know if I'll make it. Michael PS...Michelle...where did the timeline come from? Would Jews agree with it? If not, why not? Is there one that both Jews and Arabs agree on? I personally think that the timeline left out some critical aspects such as the Jacob/Esau dispute and God giving the land to Abram. To what degree do you think that those events impact the views held today?
From: Hank McIntyreDate: Wed Aug 7, 2002 3:30 pm Subject: CONSPIRACY 101 CONSPIRACY 101
The Leaders of the New World Order rule over things the way the leader of a 3-Ring Circus runs his show. They don't directly control each individual motion of the performers, they just give cues to each ring in turn, and let the inclinations of the respective performers run their course. Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Kings aren't given a promise of privileged position simply because they belong to the right club. Neither are perpetrators of "Terrorist" acts chosen directly by the shadow government to disrupt some area of society.
All these players are dogs in a kennel run by the International Bankers. When one dog shows the proclivities of a wolf, the NWO takes notice, and marks its name for future use against a target "sheep". Another dog shows leadership within the pack, proving himself out in silly political debates. If he gains the public's interest, the NWO mark his name for gracious press reportage - while burying his opponents in benign obscurity.
When the NWO wants to take away personal freedoms from the citizens, they know they have to shake up the population with a "crisis". The Globalists don't conspire with the perpetrators of the attack: They simply put the "bowl of kibble" where it will attract the appropriate dog. The know Muslim Extremists hate Judaism and Western Capitalists, and that they're willing to die to kill off a few of their enemies. So, money gets funnelled (by ordinary-looking means) to enable them to procure weapons, planes, and training.
At the same time, Leaders of Government Security Agencies are circumspectly "clued-in" that they will be promoted given favor if they "don't pay particular attention" to a certain area of their watch on a given day. This lets the dogs slip beneath the radar "accidently-on-purpose". The dogs are just following their wolfen proclivities. No prior arrangements had to be made between them and the NWO Financiers. And the heads of security departments are following their natural proclivities to seek favor from those who can advance their careers - (or destroy them with a phoney "scandal") Neither the Security Department Leaders, the "Terrorists", nor their NWO Financiers have direct contact with each other. Yet they're all chess-pieces in the same game, each being mobilized into his respective role by the gold strategically placed hi his path by the International Bankers, who are confident in the greed, rage, or fear that's inherent in each of the "dogs" they're unleashing.
So, if you're one of those who laughs when they hear the word "conspiracy", take note that it's not as clear-cut a situation as you may think. The players in these scenarios are blissfully unaware of each other. The Rothschilds and the rest of the Globalist Bankers know world politics moves in whatever direction they place the pot of gold - and the "dogs" take care of the rest.