Should Christians Get A Civil Marriage?

by Ray Jefferson

A godly marriage does not involve an ungodly government setting the terms. The man and woman covenanted in marriage should do so before God - not through the inventions of godless men.

The laws of marriage in Jesus' time on earth bear no resemblance to today's ridiculous contracts.

Today's marriage codes, as established by civil law, are codes determined by decades of divorce-lawyer trickery, women's-rights pressure, and tax department chicanery.

In TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE - as existed in Biblical times - a woman could not simply decide that she was bored, file for divorce, and then run away with half the husband's money and a new dude. The MODERN MARRIAGE CONTRACT has nothing but disadvantages for the man and absolutely NO responsibilities imposed upon the woman.

A godly marriage does not involve an ungodly government setting the terms. The man and woman covenanted in marriage should do so before God - not through the inventions of godless men.

Remember: a relationship is based on feelings, excitements, crushes and other wild emotions. You cannot rely on the trustworthiness of either party to have those same feelings for the rest of their lives. Yet the woman is free to take flight without penalty.

A contract has to be made in a sober business environment. By that I mean, if two companies entered into a contract, they would be bound by clear legal constraints that would apply to both parties. Emotions would not enter into the contract. It would be a basic nuts-and-bolts arrangement. One company couldn't back out of the contract just because it was bored with the other company, or claim some vague from of "abuse" occurred without the burden of proof.

The lunacy of the modern marriage contract is not a product of God. It is a satanic bondage constructed to please lawyers, tax-collectors, and man-hating females.