The wisdom expounded in the Secretary General's many speeches is not only enlightening, but reveals a superior intellect, say many international observers and audience members. The comment most often picked up by news-gatherers was an assertion that Kofi Annan's I.Q. was easily at least three times greater than that of a dolphin's. "That may sound odd", said one of the Secretary General's supporters, "but keep in mind that a dolphin is a pretty intelligent beast. Mr. Annan is clearly nothing to sneeze at."
That is indeed the prevalent feeling throughout the majority of the Secretary General's wide population of observers and admirers. "From nation to nation, he brings us peace, speaking truthfulness and hope to parliaments and general assemblies throughout the world. It will be a pleasure to witness the U.N.'s ultimate assumption of international power", says another observer. Although no one has suggested that the Secretary General actually undertake an intelligence test, this latest surge of confidence in Mr. Annan's sharp maneuvering through the intellectual challenges of international coercion have brought about complementary proclamations by many noteworthy government employees.
The world is, more than ever, sitting up and taking notice of the Awakening of the New Power on the Horizon. And, as we do, more and more are realizing that we're looking at no ordinary "dolphin".