For The End Times...
GOD'S PROTECTION FROM OUR ENEMIES - Scripture Verses That Reveal "The Battle is the Lord's"...
THE END TIMES: God Is In Control - "Ignoring" the world, making the Kingdom the overriding reality while the world heads toward the Tribulation...
THE BEST MOVE YOU'LL EVER MAKE - The Case For Salvation...
CREATIONISM vs. EVOLUTION! - Evolution is being pushed as a matter of "fact" when it is rooted in wishful fantasy. Why Creationism explains life more credibly than "evolution"...
SPIRITUAL WARFARE or PRAYER - How understanding the difference can MAKE the difference when confronting dangerous times
SCRIPTURES FOR OVERCOMING THE TRIBULATION - God's promises to His Believers have not "expired"...
HEALING SCRIPTURES - Covenant Promises For Our Deliverance
PROSPERITY SCRIPTURES - Knowing That We Can Look To YHWH Adonai To Recieve What We Need...
SPIRITUAL FINANCIAL MANEUVERING - Christians Are "Ingrafted" into the Lineage of Abraham - And There Is A Manner & Method Of Fulfilling Our Inheritance Rights That Most of Us Overlook...
THE URGENCY OF PURSUING PROSPERITY - What "Poverty" and "Prosperity" Really Mean to the Christian
• WHERE IS ISRAEL? - Why We Are The Targets Of The Prophecies For The "House Of Israel." Where Did The "Lost" Tribes Of Israel Go? How the House of Israel became Great Britain & the U.S...
"ROMANS 13" - Its NOT About Obeying Tyrants!...
CHRISTIAN ZIONISM - As "Ingrafted Branches", Christians are meant to receive the full inheritance that God has promised to Abraham's seed...
FIERCE CHRISTIANITY - What is "Righteous Anger"? Courage, with no desire to give-in to mainstream points of view when they oppose what we know is right...
CONFIDENCE IN YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE VERSES - Once The Truth Is Revealed To Your Spirit, Pointless Bickering Over "Doctrines" Is Out Of The Picture.
THE AUTHORITY OF THE BELIEVER - Applying POWER to the affairs in your life
DOMINATING THE LAWS OF SIN & DEATH - Energizing your life with a direct connection to the Source of Life
THE SABBATH PRINCIPLE - How "Sabbath" Affects How We Endure In A Crisis...
SPEAKING IN TONGUES - How we can be confident that this is from God
PROPHESIES FOR THE 21st CENTURY - Years of Judgment, Fulfillment, and Overflow - Great Catastrophies, Great Victories...
IS "SURVIVALISM" UNCHRISTIAN? - Q: - Aren't survivalists just worriers putting their faith in physical things instead of in God?...
PRESS TOWARD THE "MARK" - Weeding Out Discouragement & Keeping Your Expectancy Alive
THE WAR BETWEEN SPIRIT AND EGO - . . . Being free from tyranny means first becoming free within yourself . . .
SEX, GOD, and ENERGY - The Things We Crave Arise From Our Spirit's Desire To Find God...
OBSERVATION MEDITATION - . . . an awareness exercise practiced by Christian believers since ancient times
The Bible - The Complete King James Version
Is there a Rapture? This subject has caused small wars among survivalists. Some people use it as an excuse to avoid preparing & "watching & praying" (Luke 21:36) for the prophesied Tribulation. Yet scriptures indicate that there is a deliverance of some kind -- IF we keep alert.
One possibility is: Deliverence will come in the form of the "wilderness" described in Revelation 12:14 -- not a "rapture," but a means of protection while on earth.
"No man knows the day and hour" (Matthew 24:36), and no one knows exactly how all the details will be fulfilled. We know that "the days are shortened for the Believers' sake," whether by a "Catching Away" or a Supernatural Concealment. (Matthew 24:22).
In either case: we need to prepare AS IF we'll have to face the Tribulation. "The complacency of fools destroys them..." (Proverbs 1:32)
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RAPTURE: The 7000 Year Time Line (Click Here) ... Since God has not appointed us to wrath, He has a means of delivering us from the wrath of the Tribulation. But is it a "Catching Away" - or will we be delivered by Revelation Knowledge from God?
Survival & Political Articles
• "GLOBAL WARMING" - The Lie That Keeps Getting Louder - Man's Total "Carbon Footprint" Amounts To 0.3% Of The "Greenhouse Effect".
"Global Warming" Is Just A Device To Generate Tax Revenue. It's Actually A Naturally Occurring Cycle That Is GOOD For The
Earth ...
DEBUNKING AN "INCONVENIENT TRUTH" - Al Gore's Unscientific Fantasy Crumbles to Ashes When Faced With The Facts...
How Modern Global Warming Science Got Started - modern global warming theory meets no criteria for valid science ...
THE CLIMATE-GATE E-MAILS - On November 19, 2009, over 1000 emails from the Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia, UK, circulated the internet, exposing the DECEPTION behind "Climate Change" Theory....
WAR IS A RACKET - Gen. Butler explains in plain language the financial deceptions behind war. A "must read" for all patriots...
SURVIVAL on the CHEAP - Just a few bucks a month can be enough to keep you alive and free in perilous times... Potassium Iodide/Iodate & Nuclear Preparation...
UNDERGROUND SHELTER - An interesting, inexpensive underground shelter...
Conspiracy 101 - Do you laugh when you hear "Conspiracy"? The NWO's "hands off" way of guiding events eludes most people's notice...
Who's Afraid Of "PLANET X"? - A condensed list of basic details about this mysterious sphere which (some say) threatens our planet...
PATRIOT ACT II - Laws that erase ALL of our freedoms... Dangerous legislation being slipped through before anyone notices...
THE UNITED NATIONS IS THE BEAST! - A "REVELATION" - Bible prophesies you can't ignore! ... Read this and be convinced!...
DON'T JOIN IN ON THE WORLD'S DISASTERS - Today's events are designed to psychologically immobilize the population ... Protect Your Freedom: Guard Your Spirit...
RESISTING THE SMART CARD - Could It Be Any More Obvious That The National I.D. Is A Precursor To The Mark Of The Beast?
"MANAGING" THE ONE-WORLD-GOVERNMENT - Intercession for 'Rulers & Authorities' has force in dealing with the One-World-Conspiracy...
9‑11 - THE "IMPOSSIBLE" ATTACK - A 4-Part Report On The Impossible Explanations Given About The 9-11 Attack. Photos, Facts, Confirmations & Links...
SUSPICIOUS 9‑11 "COINCIDENCES" - S&P closed at "911.00" the eve of 9‑11 Anniversary . . . NY lottery came up 911 on 9/11/02 . . . UAL "put options" 90 times higher between 9/6/01 & 9/10/01 . . .
THE WTC 9‑11 ATTACK...and Bible Prophesy - How the World Trade Center Attack is not exactly what it seems, and how it relates to "Last Days" prophesies...[editorial from "Newswatch Magazine"]
9‑11: GOODBYE, AMERICA? - The jarring image of the 757's tearing into the World Trade Center towers on 9‑11 marked the end of America's freedoms as we know them...
JAPANESE SURVIVALISM - WWII Japanese stragglers' experience with decades-long primitive survival...
UNDER MILITARY ENSLAVEMENT - The experiences of a WWII POW serve as a reminder that it's worth doing everything possible to fight enslavement before it happens.
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UNITED NATIONS INDEX: THE DARK DETAILS - Statistics (Facts the U.N. doesn't put on THEIR website), The Founders and their New World Order ambitions, U.S. bankrolls 10 Billion Dollars annually to the U.N...
Information on this mysterious organization:
THE NEW WORLD ORDER - What's really behind all the crazy, "unexplainable" events in today's world?
PROOF: THE NEW WORLD ORDER EXISTS: A HISTORY - Presidents and world leaders' statements proving the existence of the New World Order "conspiracy"...
A NEW WORLD ORDER OUTLINE OF HISTORY - A brief chronology of the NWO in history
MEETING PLACE - (Archive) An Archive of E-Mails Received Before The Group's Messageboard Was Set Up. Some interesting questions here...
Q: - Aren't survivalists just worriers putting their faith in physical things instead of in God?...
Q: HOW DO THE ELDERLY, DISABLED & POOR FIT INTO SURVIVAL PREPARATION? - - The elderly and disabled are not unable to survive...Don't think about 100 different
needs all at once. Just do what you're able to
FACING-OFF THE POLICE STATE - "Word of Faith" doctrines meet the Patriot Movement to fight the Babylonian system. Faith with hair on it...
IT'S TIME - Is there any interest in discussing plans for a survival community? A "society' of 5 or 6 people could be both effective & discrete...
B17, LAETRILE & APRICOT SEEDS: The Cure vs. The Conspiracy - Vitamin B17 is a proven antioxidant. Yet pharmaceutical companies have fought aggressively against it hoping to scare away the public before they hear ALL the facts. By examining multiple sources - both "pro" & "con" - this article zeros-in on the truth behind Vitamin B17.
pH Balance: Acid, Alkali, & Anti-Oxidant Foods - The Simple Facts of Anti-Oxidants - Diet & Lifestyle. Food Lists. Acid & Alkali Composition of Different Foods. Details.
Cell Phones and Radiation - Microwave radio transmissions must be kept several yards from neighboring houses - while Cell Phones can drill them right into your skull