Whittaker Chambers was born in Philadelphia on 1st April, 1901. He joined the American Communist Party in 1924 and at various times edited the New Masses and the Daily Worker. Chambers worked as a spy for the Soviet Union before leaving the party in 1938. The followed year he joined Time Magazine. In August 1948 Chambers appeared before the House of Un-American Activities Committee and during his testimony claimed that Alger Hiss, a senior U.S. State Department official, was a spy. After a federal grand jury investigation of the cases, Hiss was charged with perjury. His first trial in 1949 ended in a hung jury but in the second trial in 1950, he was found guilty and sentenced to five years imprisonment. Chambers wrote about the Hiss case in his book Witness (1952). Whittaker Chambers died on 9th July, 1961.MESSAGE BOARD & CLUB . . . . . . . HOME U N Founders List
[LIST OF FOUNDERS OF THE U.N. & THEIR POLITICAL LEANINGS] The United States contingent which helped to shape the U.N. charter were the following State and Treasury Department officials:
- Alger Hiss
- Harry Dexter White
- Virginius Frank Coe
- Dean Acheson
- Noel Field
- Laurence Duggan
- Henry Julian Wadleigh
- John Carter Vincent
- David Weintraub
- Nathan Gregory Silvermaster
- Harold Glasser
- Victor Perlo
- Irving Kaplan
- Abraham George Silverman
- Soloman Adler
- William L. Ullman
- and
- William H. Taylor
From: Interlocking Subversion in Government Departments subcommittee report July 30, 1953. Also, Senate hearings on Activities of U.S. Citizens Employed by the United Nations, and hearings on the Institute of Pacific Relations. ("America on the Eve of Destruction", David J. Smith, P.32-33 [www.newswatchmagazine.org])
"The new world order will be named the United Nations..." "...It is intended that all nations will belong..." "The United Nations should have armadas of 'national air force contingents immediately available' to send against an aggressor" (Time magazine, October 16, 1944)].
Even in its earliest inception, the founders of this body intended it to be a global government, so it is sheer ignorance to consider the U.N.'s intentions to be anything other than a world political & military power.
Everything we can read about the original founders of the U.N. indicates they intended it to be just that: to reduce each nation's sovereignty by a measure, and to ASSIMILATE that measure of sovereign power to itself. By this means, the U.N. has indeed acquired its own military force to fling into battle anywhere throughout the earth.
Kofi Annan has openly declared his intention to disregard national sovereignty, thereby declaring the U.N. to be INTERNATIONALLY SOVEREIGN. Kofi himself has put THAT debate to rest. Now it's probably time to begin discussing WHAT the U.N. intends to do with this political and military power!
• American Communists & the Founding of the U.N. - bibliotecapleyades.net