MESSAGE BOARD & CLUB . . . . . . . HOME The UN Is NOT Your Friend
(From:New American magazine)
Behind the mask of peace, brotherhood, and universal understanding, the United Nations promotes terror and tyranny in order to achieve its real objective: world government. Few if any Americans gave thought to the fact that the September 11th attack upon our nation occurred on the date designated by the United Nations as the "International Day of Peace." Those who were aware of this tragic coincidence were probably inspired to reflect bitterly upon the uselessness of the UN as a means of achieving the peace that all decent people seek. But behind this obvious irony lies a very telling illustration of the true nature of the United Nations. Just days prior to the terrorist attack, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan was in Durban, South Africa, to attend a world conference on racism. That event drew delegates and radical activists from around the world who were united by their hatred of the United States of America. Also prominent were terrorists such as Yasser Arafat, anti-American tyrants like Cuba's Communist ruler Fidel Castro, and representatives of other Communist and Arab despotisms who joined in the orgy of America-bashing.
The conference was hosted by South African President Thabo Mbeki, a former leader of the African National Congress (ANC), a Communist-dominated terrorist group. During the 1980s, Mbeki's ANC comrades perfected a terrorist tactic known as "necklacing," a particularly gruesome method of executing anti-Communist blacks. ANC thugs would bind a victim's hands behind his back with barbed wire, force him to drink gasoline, and then place gasoline-soaked tires around his neck and feet. The tires would then be set on fire, causing the victim to die a protracted, torturous death as the melting rubber slowly ate into his flesh. The victim's agony was compounded as his killers would mock and taunt him.
Thousands of innocent black South Africans died in this fashion at the hands of Mbeki's ANC comrades. Since coming to power, the ANC has all but destroyed South Africa, turning that once-prosperous nation into a land blighted by rampant crime, racial violence, and official corruption. Productive South Africans of all ethnic backgrounds have fled their homeland or retreated into "gated communities" to protect their families and property. Yet Annan referred to ANC-dominated South Africa as "a beacon of enlightenment and hope, not only for a troubled continent, but for the entire world." He even offered a bouquet to Mbeki's terrorist associates: "We salute the heroic movement that you represent."
During an April 2000 summit in Havana, Annan offered similarly glowing praise for Fidel Castro's Communist Cuba. The secretary-general expressed gratitude "for the chance to visit Cuba again...." Praising the Castro regime's supposed accomplishments in education, health, and welfare, Annan declared that Castro's regime has "set an example we can all learn from." Annan, with his glowing praise, failed to acknowledge Castro's use of state-sponsored terror against Cuban civilians to deter, through fear, the possibility of political opposition. The simple fact that Cuban refugees risk their lives in attempts to flee Cuba for America is testimony to the oppressive reality of Castro's "worker's paradise."
Clearly, Annan is very comfortable in the company of terrorists, both subversives who have seized power through terror, and tyrants who rule through terror. But this is to be expected, since UN Headquarters in New York City would more accurately be called "Terror Central." Long Island State University Professor of Criminology Harvey Kushner, a noted terrorism analyst, points out that in much the same way that Afghanistan's Taliban regime shelters international terrorist chieftain Osama bin Laden, the UN Headquarters offers a useful staging base for terrorists of all varieties. "The UN provides cover almost the same way the Taliban does," comments Kushner. "It serves as the laboratory, the linchpin for legitimizing incendiary rhetoric" against the West in general and America in particular.
Recalling that during the September 11th attacks one television commentator reported with relief that the UN Headquarters building had not been hit, Canadian commentator Mark Steyn responded: "Well, there's a surprise! Why would the guys who took out the World Trade Center and the Pentagon want to target the UN? The UN is dominated by their apologists, and in some cases the friends of the friends of the fellows who did this...."
Once again, just days before terrorists attacked our nation, Annan was communing with our nation's enemies. Ten days later, though, he struck a remarkably different pose in a column in the New York Times. "The terrorists who attacked the United States on September 11 aimed at one nation but wounded an entire world," he wrote. "Rarely, if ever, has the world been as united as it was on that terrible day." Annan's abrupt change in tone was inspired by his transparent desire to capitalize on the injury done to our country by channeling public demands for justice into a UN-led crusade against terrorism. "The international community is defined not only by what it is for, but by what it is against," declared Annan. "The United Nations must have the courage to recognize that just as there are common aims, there are common enemies. To defeat them, all nations must join forces.... The United Nations is uniquely positioned to advance this effort. It provides the forum necessary for building a universal coalition and can ensure global legitimacy for the long-term response to terrorism."
The UN long ago defined itself as an ally of terrorism and an enemy of the American way of life. But that will not prevent Annan and other advocates of world government from seeking to exploit public fear and outrage over global terrorism in their effort to create global tyranny - a UN-dominated new world order. New World Order Vision The phrase "new world order" came to the attention of most Americans on an earlier September 11th - to be precise, September 11, 1990, during an address by the first President George Bush to a joint session of Congress regarding Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait. In that speech, after briefly describing four aims of an envisioned war against Iraq, the president made the following infamous statement: "Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective - a new world order - can emerge.... We are now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders." President Bush (the elder) reiterated the same objective in a nationwide television address on January 16, 1991: "When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.'s founders."
It should be understood that the UN's founders were not decent, principled men like those who won our national independence and created our constitutional republic. The architects of the UN were men who advocated "peace" through world tyranny. They included State Department official Alger Hiss, who served as secretary-general of the UN's 1945 founding conference in San Francisco. Hiss also collaborated with Soviet official V.M. Molotov in the 1944 Dumbarton Oaks conference, during which the UN Charter was drafted. The Hiss-Molotov team was a match made somewhere other than in heaven, since Hiss himself was a Soviet agent and a traitor to this country. The UN founders reverently invoked by President Bush included 15 other American officials in the State and Treasury Departments who were later identified as Soviet agents. Their paymaster, Soviet tyrant Josef Stalin, endorsed the UN shortly after its founding as "a serious instrument for preservation of peace and international security." The UN is indeed a testament to the "vision" that inspired such wretched men - and this fact should be seen as an indictment of the organization, rather than an endorsement. The UN's founders included many figures from a New York-based private organization called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which in the words of the late Washington Post ombudsman Richard Hardwood is "the nearest thing we have to a ruling establishment in the United States." The CFR, which has dominated the Executive Branch of our federal government for decades, was created by globalists following the Senate's rejection of the League of Nations Covenant following World War I. In 1939, two years before Pearl Harbor thrust America into World War II, the CFR began laying the groundwork for the UN, which, like the League of Nations, was intended to be a framework for world government.
Knowing the background of the United Nations is essential to understanding the true threat the organization represents. While the UN is a haven for foreign thugs, tyrants, and terrorists, it is inaccurate to look upon the organization as a foreign entity seeking to invade and conquer the United States. Instead, the UN should be viewed as a vehicle through which corrupt, power-seeking elites in this country and elsewhere intend to acquire power over the entire world. The CFR is the most visible part of this international Power Elite, and by studying the published materials and public actions of the CFR we can understand the tactics that are being used to undermine our national sovereignty.
In the April 1974 issue of the CFR journal Foreign Affairs, diplomat and academic Richard Gardner pointed out that while "instant world government" may be impossible to achieve, it would be possible to build "'the house of world order' … from the bottom up rather than the top down." According to Gardner, "an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault."
In the decades since Gardner published his essay, our nation's leaders have followed his prescription by entangling us in an ever-growing web of international treaties, conventions, and organizations. At the same time, the UN has extended its reach to include such issues as environmental protection, education, child welfare, law enforcement, national and civilian disarmament, even religion. And beginning in the early 1990s, U.S. involvement in UN "peacekeeping" missions has radically expanded, with thousands of American servicemen currently deployed under UN authority in Korea, the Balkans, and elsewhere.
Shocking Us into World Government The method described by Gardner is sometimes called "patient gradualism." By slowly sapping our country's sovereignty, globalists can achieve the objective of empowering the UN to act as a world government without attracting a great deal of public opposition. But there is an alternative approach: Using sudden crises, such as wars, disasters, terrorism, or similar threats, to scare the public into accepting a new world order. In 1962, CFR member Professor Lincoln P. Bloomfield of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology published a report entitled A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations. This document, which was commissioned and paid for by the U.S. State Department, outlines a global political system in which the UN has the means to impose its will upon the entire world. While the report acknowledges that creation of such a new world order may take decades or more to build, it also points out that there is "an alternative road" that could bring about results much more quickly The alternative approach to world government "relies on a grave crisis or war to bring about a sudden transformation in national attitudes sufficient for the purpose," wrote Bloomfield. "According to this version, the order we examine may be brought into existence as a result of a series of sudden, nasty, and traumatic shocks."
America has never undergone a shock as sudden, nasty, or traumatic as the attack of September 11th - and the CFR, like UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, quickly moved to capitalize upon the atrocity. Three days after the attack, the Washington Program for the Council on Foreign Relations convened a meeting in Washington organized around the U.S. Commission on National Security in the 21st Century. The Commission, which was a joint creation of former President Bill Clinton (CFR) and House Speaker Newt Gingrich (CFR), was co-chaired by former senators Gary Hart (CFR) and Warren Rudman (CFR). Given the commission's origins it should come as no surprise that it insisted that the terrorist attack on our nation is an illustration of the need for a "new world order."
"There is a chance for the President of the United States to use this disaster to carry out what his father - a phrase his father used I think only once, and it hasn't been used since - and that is a new world order," declared Hart. In fact, the phrase, which has been used by globalists for decades to describe a UN-dominated world government, was used on numerous occasions by the first President Bush (see page 10). In an editorial published the day after the terrorist attacks, Beijing's government-line China Daily newspaper indicated that the Communist Chinese regime is on the same page as the CFR. The attack upon America, declared the editorial, "makes it more urgent that the international community move to wage all-out war on terrorism by, in the final analysis, establishing a new world order that can ensure lasting peace." And indeed, one topic discussed during the CFR's post-attack forum in Washington was for closer cooperation with "some of these countries we have … held at arm's length," including Russia, Communist China, Syria, and other regimes that sponsor anti-American terrorism.
Many other prominent figures have insisted that the United States must surrender its sovereignty to the United Nations in order to protect its citizens from terrorism. Writing in the September 24th New York Times, Robert Wright, a visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania, declared that only by abandoning our national independence can we prevent a terrorist attack involving biological or nuclear weapons. According to Wright, "the extreme devotion of … conservatives to national sovereignty" has thwarted UN efforts to control the spread of weapons of mass destruction, since those efforts require "giving the world more control over your own behavior." "Clinging to American sovereignty at all costs isn't just wrong. It's impossible," contends Wright. "If governments don't respond with new forms of international organization, civilization as we've come to know it could truly be over. So the question isn't whether to surrender national sovereignty. The question is how - carefully or systematically, or chaotically and catastrophically?"
Cora Weiss (CFR), head of the UN-connected Hague Appeal for Peace, also maintains that the terrorist strike must result in new efforts to empower the UN. "We urge the United States to support the international criminal court, to respect and work with and through the United Nations, especially the anti-terrorism conventions which we have so far refused to join," stated Weiss. And Lawrence J. Korb, director of studies at the CFR, urged that, in the wake of the attack, the United States "work cooperatively, not unilaterally, on areas like global warming, arms control, and the international criminal court." This is just a small sample of the calls for UN leadership in the fight against terrorism - and the pressure campaign appears to be paying off. According to a September 22nd Associated Press report, an opinion poll taken after the September 11th terrorist attack found that "nine of 10 Americans want the United Nations to play a major role in pulling countries together to fight against terrorism...."
In his September 20th address to the nation, President Bush assailed Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden's international terror network, as a global menace: "[I]ts goal is remaking the world - and imposing its radical beliefs on people everywhere." While the Power Elite behind the UN does not necessarily share bin Laden's vision of a new world, it unmistakably seeks to remake the world through force - in this case, a world government that would be free of the checks and balances written into our constitutional system.
The fundamental principle of our constitutional system is that individual rights come from God. To protect those rights, governments are given specific and limited powers that are exercised by officials who are accountable to the governed. To create such a political system, our Founding Fathers recognized the need to withdraw from a globe-spanning empire. They later wrote a Constitution that specifically enumerated the powers of government, and by listing those powers the Framers limited them. Under the UN's concept of government, it is individual "rights," rather than government powers, that are enumerated. This means that those "rights" are actually government-granted privileges that can be revoked at any time. In Article 29 of the UN's "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" we read that none of the "rights" supposedly granted therein can be used in a fashion "contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations." Under the UN's formula, the powers of government are completely unaccountable and can be expanded at whim - and individual "rights" are just as easily dispensed with.
The UN's founding documents offer a formula for total government on a planetary scale which, if implemented, would lead to what Professor R.J. Rummel of the University of Hawaii, calls "democide" - systematic mass-murder by governments. In his study Death by Government, Rummel documented that during the 20th century nearly 170,000,000 people were murdered by their own governments. Governments exist to protect their subjects from the violence of the lawless. Nevertheless, observes Rummel, the uncomfortable truth about governments is "that some of them murder millions in cold blood. This is where absolute power reigns." Absolute power is the objective of every criminal, terrorist, or tyrant - and it is the goal of the globalists behind the UN. If they obtain what they seek, the result would be a reign of terror beyond our imagination. This message must be sent loud and clear to all who cherish human freedom: The UN is not your friend.