The deputy chief of staff for intelligence at the Pentagon, Major Ralph Peters, wrote a position paper in 1994 entitled "WARRIOR CLASS". It states:
The desire for patriotism is considered an "enemy doctrine". The U.S. Armed Forces must be prepared to fight against all those who oppose the New World Order and who are holding out for nationalism.This is found in: McAlvany Intelligence advisor, May/June 1994, p.7.This new warrior class is most dangerous BECAUSE THEY CONSIST OF THOSE WHO FIGHT OUT OF STRONG RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.
There is a worldwide class of patriots who number in the millions, and if the current trend continues, there may be more of these who love freedom and are not the target of the New World Order. [Bear in mind, this is the official doctrine of the Defense Department. This was written in 1994, preceeding the Oklahoma City bombing that was used immediately by the government to turn the public against "patriots" and religious Americans, as reflected in President Clinton's speech the following day (almost as though the event had been expected!)].
You cannot bargain and compromise with these warriors. We, as the military, need to commit more training time to counter these warrior threats. We must have an active campaign to win over the populace [again: think of how the government used the Oklahoma City bombing to try to turn public sentiment away from freedom-loving Americans, or "patriots"]
THIS MUST BE COUPLED WITH IRRESISTIBLE VIOLENCE. Book: "America on the Eve of Destruction", p.63