"Last year (1999) alone the American people have furnished precisely TEN BILLION, ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY NINE MILLION DOLLARS to support the work of the United Nations. No other nation on earth comes even close to matching that singular investment. Who owes who?"[www.unisevil.com] Doesn't the U.S. owe the UN money?
The United Nations has stated categorically that it will NOT recognize any nation's sovereignty if it rejects U.N. interference in its internal affairs (Of course, the U.N. will claim the nation is violating "human rights", but be conveniently sparse on the details)
The U.N. has acquired billions in military bases and equipment, mainly from the US: If the UN has no intention of governing the world, why does it have a MILITARY, a CONSTITUTION (which member nations [ALL nations, actually] have to obey or face "PEACEKEEPERS" coming in to slaughter them)
There is no respect for 'human rights' in the UN, and their Public Relations baloney to the contrary is betrayed by their actions - both in the General Assembly and in the field. (Do you suppose they'd ADMIT any intentions of world government? What on earth do you think the very design of the United Nations is equipped for? AND: what ALWAYS happens when any body of people attain ABSOLUTE POWER?)
So, while some choose to comfort themselves with the pacifying verbiage of the UN's promotions department, honsety compells us to look at it for the monster government it is in fact.
[ http://www.cwfa.org/library/nation/2000-07_pp_un-debt.shtml]In fact, between 1946 and 1996, the United States contributed in excess of $32 billion to the United Nations.7 And, as Rep. Christopher Smith (R-New Jersey) notes, "We have also paid at least $22 billion since 1992 in additional costs in support of U.N.-authorized peacekeeping."8 [ 8.Christopher Smith, "Uncertain problem," The Washington Times, 21 October 1999.]
Who Owes Whom? In 1997, this issue made headlines when Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-Maryland) introduced the United Nations Erroneous Debt Act. Bartlett pointed out that, according to a 1996 General Accounting Office (GAO) Report for fiscal years 1992-1995, the United Nations actually owes money to the United States. Between 1992 and 1995, the United States spent $6.6 billion on peacekeeping activities in Haiti, the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Somalia. Of this amount, the United Nations reimbursed the United States for only $79.4 million. And of the original $6.6 billion, the United Nations was only willing to count $1.8 million toward U.S. dues.1 Hence, the congressman did some calculations:
$6 .6 billion - U.S. voluntarily paid for peacekeeping
- $1 .8 billion - U.N. counted toward U.S. dues/assessments
$4 .8 billion - U.N. owes to U.S.
- $0 .079 billion - U.N. paid to U.S.
$4 .7 billion - U.N. owes to U.S.
- $1 .3 billion - U.S. "debt" to U.N. (according to Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations*)
$3 .4 billion - final figure: U.N. owes to U.S.
The United States is assessed 25 percent of the UN's general budget, double that of any other nation. Japan is assessed 12.45 percent, the United Kingdom 8.93 percent, and more than 90 countries only 0.01 percent each. The other UN countries even ganged up and voted the U.S. off of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions which makes up the UN budgets.
The notion that we "owe" the UN $1.2 billion in back assessments is ridiculous. For years, we've been paying 25 percent of the budget while being treated like a Third World nonentity. Sob stories about the UN's "financial crisis" deserve a belly laugh. The UN's cash shortage is caused by its corrupt and extravagant spending, not by a backsliding or penurious United States.
The general annual UN budget has expanded from $20 million and 1,500 employees in 1945, to $10 billion and 50,000 employees today. Of this, U.S. taxpayers are contributing an estimated $4 billion a year.
But the worst part is that they involve U.S. troops and U.S. risk in faraway places where we have no national security interest. Congress should make it clear that U.S. armed services are not UN policemen or a UN foreign legion, and will be sent only on missions required by the U.S. national interest and voted by Congress.
Congress should reassert its constitutional authority over the U.S. armed services, making it clear that we will not engage in any UN military action disguised as "peacekeeping," that UN troops will never serve in UN uniform, or under UN command or UN rules of engagement, and that no U.S. ground troops will be committed for any UN enterprise.
5.Doesn't the U.S. owe the UN money?
"Last year (1999) alone the American people have furnished precisely TEN BILLION, ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY NINE MILLION DOLLARS to support the work of the United Nations. No other nation on earth comes even close to matching that singular investment." Who owes who?
[http://www.mediamonitors.net/khalilosman10.html](Kofi Annan Biographical Information)
Kofi Annan was born into an aristocratic Ghanaian family on April 8, 1938. He completed his undergraduate education in economics at McAlester College in St Paul, Minnesota, USA. In 1961 and 1962 he attended graduate school in economics at the Institut Universitaire des Hautes Etudes Internationales in Geneva. Throughout his career at the UN, the 63-year-old Annan has displayed remarkable skill in working his way through the ranks of the UN system. His ability to prosper in the bureaucratic nightmare that is the UN indicates a strong instinct for self-preservation and self-promotion. He joined the UN in 1962 as an administrative and budget officer with the World Health Organization in Geneva. Since then he has served with the UN Economic Commission for Africa in Addis Ababa, the UN Emergency Force (UNEF II) in Egypt, and at the UN headquarters (New York), as assistant secretary-general for human resources management and security coordinator for the UN system (1987-1990), and assistant secretary-general for programme planning, budget and finance, and controller (1990-92). Annan has also served as assistant secretary-general for peacekeeping operations (March 1993-February 1994) and as under secretary-general (February 1994-October 1995 and April 1996-December 1996).
[http://www.chuckmorse.com/un_real_agenda.html]:These would include Harry Dexter White, assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Laughlin Currie, Special Assistant to President Franklin Roosevelt, Lawrence Duggan, Noel Field, Harold Glasser, Irving Kaplan, Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, Victor Perlo, and Julian Wadleigh. In addition, American Soviet agents and pro-Communist operatives who would play key roles in planning the UN structure and program would include Solomon Adler, Frank Coe, Abraham G. Silverman, William H. Taylor, William L. Ullman, John Carter Vincent and David Weintraub. All of these men simultaneously held key posts in the US government. NEXT...