Circle your choices! (Answers shown below.)
1. The first Secretary General of the UN was a U.S. citizen who was also a:
a. movie star
b. rodeo cowboy
c. Soviet spy
d. war-hero pilot2. A UN “peacekeeping” mission in the Congo in 1961 included bombing of:
a. camel cavalry
b. hospitals
c. nuclear labs
d. diamond mines3. Since the UN was founded in 1945, how many new wars have erupted?
a. 7
b. 29
c. 53
d. 1404. In 1961, the U. S. State Department published a plan to turn over to the UN:
a. U.S. patents
b. all U.S. weapons
c. surplus food
d. U.S. treaty power5. Of the first 14 UN Undersecretaries who controlled the UN’s military, all 14 were:
a. communists
b. heads of state
c. generals
d. ambassadors5. A July, 2001 UN conference had as its ultimate goal the worldwide seizure of:
a. bootleg CDs
b. exotic animals
c. civilian guns
d. drug labsSix Shocking Answers!
1. c. Alger Hiss served as Secretary General at the UN’s founding; he was also a key author of the UN Charter. In 1948, he was exposed as a Soviet spy.
2. b. The savage attack on the peaceful Congo province of Katanga included the UN aerial bombing of hospitals and many other defenseless civilian targets.
3. d. Since “man’s best hope for peace” was founded, there have been over 140 wars. Our two no-win wars, Korea and Vietnam (via SEATO), had UN roots.
4. b. State Department Document 7277 calls for a three-stage disarmament after which America would be left with only “internal security forces ”— no military!
5. a. Communists! At the UN’s founding, it was agreed that the Undersecretary for Political and Security Council Affairs would be chosen by the Soviet Union.
6. c. The UN conference on “Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons ...” was a step toward taking guns from civilians in all countries — including the USA!
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