Dominating The Laws Of Sin And Death
John Erickson
Faith holds fast to its foundations - in words and actions. Doctrines and creeds don't hold up as foundations for faith.
Speaking faith-foundation words as though Jesus has actually - for real - sat down on the throne of majesty, and sits as our High Priest bringing into effect our words of faith... this causes our faith to be founded within our spirit - instead of just intellectually assenting to the words.
Faith filled words dominate the laws of sin and death.
The words have to come from your spirit, not your intellect. Mental confession alone won't change things. You must be centered in your spirit, and be living & operating in such a way that your spirit believes what is being said: That is, no frantic thinking, just calm confidence.
Related Scriptures:
Romans 8:2 - For through the Anointed Jesus the Law of the Spirit of Life has set me free from the Law of Sin and Death.
Proverbs 4:20-23 - My son, attend to my words, incline your ear to may sayings. Don't let them depart form your eyes. Keep them in the midst of your spirit. For they are Life to those who find them and health to all their flesh. Guard your spirit with all diligence, for from it flow the forces of life...
Faith filled words are life, and life swallows up death.
The spirit brings life to the flesh:
John 6:63a - It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh counts for nothing.
Darkness trails light. It never overwhelms it. Darkness is passive, light is active. Light always overwhelms darkness. Spirit-generated, faith-filled words founded in the Law of God and rooted in one's spirit always overwhelm the laws of death.
1. Know exactly what your needs are. Take your envisioned victory as your domain, given to you by God for you to be steward over. Issue faith commands over it: Cast out the devil: "Satan, in the name of Jesus I bind you , cast you out and bar you from intrusion in this my domain, dispensed to me by God by virtue of the Covenant of Jesus in which I stand..." Petition God to empower you with Revelation Knowledge so that you can best manage the physical components of the situation. then ask his empowerment of the situation and all of the principles (i.e., people) involved, that they be brought down to a point of manageability, and that they are, knowingly or not, disposed to provide you with the consideration, information or materials you require of the situation.
Consider specific money amounts, types of goods needed (i.e., cars, real estate, locations, sizes and other characteristics pertaining to the need being addressed), so that you will be able to see the target when it comes onto your scene.
2. Go to the Word that covers those needs and wants, and stay in the Word until the hope and the vision of it becomes clear in your spirit. Don't relent or turn back. Don't listen to, or believe in, anything that's contrary to the Word you're standing on.
Seed - The word that covers your wants and needs (keep them before your eyes - Proverbs 4:20)
Stir yourself up to action (Proverbs 6:6)
See Jesus as High priest bringing these things into being.
© John Erickson