Hank McIntyre

Mark Hazlewood has a book to sell. Since it's about "Planet X", he's bombarding the internet with "Do you have the guts to face 'Planet X'"-type messages.

When it comes to PROVING his disaster theory, he's significantly less tenacious. He fills-in the many gaps in his argument with phrases like:

"I did not discriminate from where I obtained the information."

"I probed my spiritual connection..."

"My son and I both had 'earth-change' dreams simultaneously"

"Insiders say..." [never naming these "insiders"]

"A myriad of sources from politics, legend, & spirit..." [comprise his thesis]

"My focus is to find people who WANT this information." [Want to believe it so badly that they won't challenge whether or not the information is based on anything trustworthy]

"You are solely responsible for determining for yourself what is proof or evidence..." [Leaving him free to toss-out any legend, made-up story, or flat-out B.S., without the burden of proof.]

He quotes all ancient religious references to God, gods, or a great star as descriptions of "Planet X's" appearance 3600 years ago, including this comment: "The Hebrews called it [Planet X] Yahweh" [Yahweh being the Hebrew word for the God of the Bible].

He quotes pagan "prophets" and aboriginal religious references freely in supporting his case. Wherever science fails to complete his thread of "evidence", any vision, hunch - or a picture of a circle found on a hieroglyphic - will suffice to make his point.

Then to finish his salesman's convincing-tactics, he'll issue a challenge as to whether you have enough "guts" to buy his book: "Are you healthy and mature enough to give it a go? If not, forget you ever read this. Be careful before you jump in too deep here. It's not always best to know." This tactic is meant to elicit your emotions to meet the "challenge" before he has proven any challenge exists.


One good aspect to this is that he presents this as a motivation for people to prepare for a calamity and not depend on the government, which is what we should be doing anyway, regardless of the movement of the planets. The question is whether you want to sift-through references to his pagan "spiritualism", conjecture, and ancient legends. Whether or not Planet X devastates Planet Earth (which IS, after all, a remote possibility), there are enough substantiated threats right here on our home planet to warrant seriously planning for our own survival in a crisis.

But the author of this book is too self-satisfied about his own readiness, his paganistic belief-system and his dictatorial admonitions to those who aren't as "scary-bad" as he believes himself to be: "If you have any unhealthy personal habits... don't worry about changing them... There's no point anymore. Now for the rest of you... this could be the hardest-hitting book you've ever read."

People know SOMETHING bad is coming. And a lot of them are ready to listen to anyone with a horror story about the future. This guy appears to be using every hard-sell technique he knows to make a fast buck off of this trend while there's still time to do so.

I rate this book one-and-a-half "failed stars".

Copyright © Hank McIntyre

WHAT IS "PLANET X"? - A condensed list of basic details about this mysterious sphere which (some say) threatens our planet...


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