Hank McIntyre

Is there any interest in discussing plans for a survival community? As things get more chaotic, it's pretty clear that there's a new urgency to work out our survival plans for the days ahead.

Every successful society has to have some kind of government structure: A treasury, an administration, a defense department. Within a group of 5 or 6 people, each of those "departments" may just be a few points in a notebook; but the objective is that everyone knows what to do when a crisis situation comes up.

Survivalists shy away from forming communities out of a healthy suspicion for turncoats who might betray them in a battle situation. But some kind of system will be necessary if we're going to be strong enough to stand against the New World Order when they start to track down independent people. This "stand" can't be a direct confrontation - their numbers eliminates that possibility. It will be more like an intelligence-gathering system, something to let us know when to move or what to hide. This would involve things like monitoring movements of U.N. patrols [a generic term used here for any unconstitutional policing/military agency], watching for changing patterns of air traffic, etc.

The main work of a survival community will be the ordinary chores that were a part of everyday life 200 years ago: maintaining food and fuel (wood) supplies, repairing equipment and buildings, etc. These will be l-o-n-g days. Our "defense department" will consist mainly of keeping an ear to the ground concerning any actions against civilians by U.N. Patrols, and planning the best way to evade them.

Now for an unpleasant reality check: Even with our best efforts to avoid contact with these U.N. Patrols, we need to have some basic plan of action prepared in case they manage to spot us. I expect our response will depend in large part on our personal beliefs.
"Ordinary" cargo carriers like this train car used for shipping autos can be used for detaining persons while conveniently concealing their "cargo." Targets would be those resistant to martial law, and those refusing to give up religious beliefs. (Photo from:]
Is it worth clinging to your physical life just to spend it as a slave working 18-hour days in a quarry somewhere, vainly waiting for a crust of bread, while guards shoot workers they consider to be slacking off? Or to be chained up in railroad cars with 200 other prisoners waiting for the guillotine? This is the nature of the beast we're standing against. If it comes to it, it will be worth any risk of our lives to escape their hands.

Other points of our "Self-Government": We'll have to keep morale up. Knowing we're "in control" of our little station, that feeling of preparation is key to not only "battle readiness", but overall well-being and sanity. We'll be under a lot of pressure and we'll have to have a release valve: Whether that's a party at the end of the week, music, hunting, or keeping the moonshine flowing.

The enemy is organized. We need to be organized as well if we're going to survive and stay a few jumps ahead of them.



Checking out various "survivalist" message boards, it seems that the number one survival plan is to wander around the back roads with a sleeping bag and a swiss army knife.

A lot of people seem to think that when disaster and martial law come, they'll be ready for it 'cause they have a closet full of camping gear and dehydrated food. "What will you actually DO when it's time to take cover?" is the question no one seems to have thought about for more than 4 minutes. There's this vague idea that they'll just drive off someplace in the country and then just wait around and see what happens.

No making contacts with the local people, no trial runs of survival in wilderness conditions, no "5-year plan" of how they see themselves living a few years after the event. There has to be some dialog. Some planning... Simply because it's the only way to get a plan into operation. This isn't a vacation trip we're planning for. It's a DISASTER. If something doesn't work when it's time to flee, it won't be a mere inconvenience - it'll be life-or-death. Everything must work. We can't just hope the equipment we've stored and the tactics we've learned will work while 30,000 hysterical, murderous people run around in the streets while we hope to plow through them in our vans on our way to our pipe-dream survival hideaways.

Living off the land is not a long-term solution. There isn't enough edible game to hunt down in the woods today to keep several thousand "instant-survivalists" alive (unless they start shooting each other). Since searching out survival information back in the "Y2K"-scare days of the mid-90's, the thing that seems strangest about all this is that most of the interest is in "feeling" prepared rather than being prepared. Stockpiling supplies makes you feel, "Well, that's taken care of. Now back to the real world," as they then devote all their attention to life as usual. Being prepared involves changing your whole personality over to actually being interested in and enjoying survival apart from civilized society.

Living solo just won't work. There'll be martial law and all kinds of military assaults to look out for. A thousand lone survivalists scattered about the woods could easily become a thousand Ruby Ridges if there is no social structure with an agreed-upon defense strategy. Same for producing tools, farming, building, medicine, etc. A survival "community" would probably be comprised of at least 5 people, and no more than 10 or so (to avoid unwanted attention). But we can expect it to be a wild world after a catastrophe. Maintaining an "island of order and sanity" amidst the sea of murderous chaos will be a primary necessity. There's safety in (small) numbers - after you screen out the finks.

© Hank McIntyre


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