pH Balance: Acid & Alkali & Anti-Oxidants
ON THIS PAGE: Colorful Vegetables & Antioxidants
Wine & Antioxidants Coffee: Properties, & Overcoming Coffee Addiction
WATER: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty
Common causative agents of oxidation are:
- Stress, suppression, negative thoughts, fear, lack of love, lack of joy, lack of desire to live, poor mental attitude.
- Nutritional deficiency - Diet deficient on essential nutrients is affecting biochemical processes inside our cells. It is also affecting digestion and preventing internal natural detoxification.
- Not enough movement and sweating
From Best To Worst
The Western diet typically contains an unhealthy balance of "acid-forming" foods, which can contribute to disease. The pH balance ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being "neutral." Alkaline foods are in the high end of this scale, and are thus desirable as antioxidants. Lifestyles also contribute to our pH balance, as emotional stress, anxiety and anger bring the balance over toward the "acidic" side. The following is a list of common foods, beginning with the "Highest Alkaline-Forming," down to the most acidic, to help plan a workable antioxidant diet.[]
Meditation, Prayer, Peace, Kindness, Love
Extremely Alkaline Forming Foods - pH 8.5 to 9.0:
9.0 Lemons 1, Watermelon 2,
8.5 Agar Agar 3, Cantaloupe, Cayenne (Capsicum) 4, Dried dates & figs, Kelp, Karengo, Kudzu root, Limes, Mango, Melons, Papaya, Parsley 5, Seedless grapes (sweet), Watercress, Seaweeds
Moderate Alkaline - pH 7.5 to 8.0
8.0 Apples (sweet), Apricots, Alfalfa sprouts 9, Arrowroot, flour 10, Avocados, Bananas (ripe), Berries, Carrots, Celery, Currants, Dates & figs (fresh), Garlic 11, Gooseberry, Grapes (less sweet), Grapefruit, Guavas, Herbs (leafy green), Lettuce (leafy green), Nectarine, Peaches (sweet), Pears (less sweet), Peas (fresh sweet), Persimmon, Pumpkin (sweet), Sea salt (vegetable) 12, Spinach
7.5 Apples (sour), Bamboo shoots, Beans (fresh green), Beets, Bell Pepper, Broccoli, Cabbage;Cauli, Carob 13, Daikon, Ginger (fresh), Grapes (sour), Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce (pale green), Oranges, Parsnip, Peaches (less sweet), Peas (less sweet), Potatoes & skin, Pumpkin (less sweet), Raspberry, Sapote, Strawberry, Squash 14, Sweet corn (fresh), Tamari 15, Turnip, Vinegar (apple cider) 16
Slightly Alkaline to Neutral pH 7.0 7.0 Almonds 17, Artichokes (Jerusalem), Barley-Malt (sweetener-Bronner), Brown Rice Syrup, Brussel Sprouts, Cherries, Coconut (fresh), Cucumbers, Egg plant, Honey (raw), Leeks, Miso, Mushrooms, Okra, Olives ripe 18, Onions, Pickles 19, (home made), Radish, Sea salt 20, Spices 21, Taro, Tomatoes (sweet), Vinegar (sweet brown rice), Water Chestnut, Amaranth, Artichoke (globe), Chestnuts (dry roasted), Egg yolks (soft cooked), Essene bread 22, Goat's milk and whey (raw) 23, Horseradish, Mayonnaise (home made), Millet, Olive oil, Quinoa, Rhubarb, Sesame seeds (whole) 24, Soy beans (dry), Soy cheese, Soy milk, Sprouted grains 25, Tempeh, Tofu, Tomatoes (less sweet), Yeast (nutritional flakes)
Overwork, Anger, Fear, Jealousy, Stress
Extremely Acid Forming Foods - pH 5.0 to 5.5
5.0 Artificial sweeteners
5.5 Beef, Carbonated soft drinks & fizzy drinks 38, Cigarettes (tailor made), Drugs, Flour (white wheat), 39, Goat, Lamb, Pastries & cakes from white flour, Pork, Sugar (white) 40, Beer 34, Brown sugar 35, Chicken, Deer, Chocolate, Coffee 36, Custard with white sugar, Jams, Jellies, Liquor 37, Pasta (white), Rabbit, Semolina, Table salt refined & iodized, Tea black, Turkey, Wheat bread, White rice, White vinegar (processed).
Moderate Acid - pH 6.0 to 6.5
6.0 Cigarette tobacco (roll your own), Cream of Wheat (unrefined), Fish, Fruit juices with sugar, Maple syrup (processed), Molasses (sulphured), Pickles (commercial), Breads (refined) of corn, oats, rice & rye, Cereals (refined) eg weetbix, corn flakes, Shellfish, Wheat germ, Whole Wheat foods 32, Wine 33, Yogurt (sweetened)
6.5 Bananas (green), Buckwheat, Cheeses (sharp), Corn & rice breads, Egg whole (cooked hard), Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Oats, Pasta (whole grain), Pastry (wholegrain & honey), Peanuts, Potatoes (with no skins), Popcorn (with salt & butter), Rice (basmati), Rice (brown), Soy sauce (commercial), Tapioca, Wheat bread (sprouted organic)
Slightly Acid to Neutral pH 7.0:
7.0 Barley malt syrup, Barley, Bran, Cashews, Cereals (unrefined with honey-fruit-maple syrup), Cornmeal, Cranberries 30, Fructose, Honey (pasteurized), Lentils, Macadamias, Maple syrup (unprocessed), Milk (homogenized) and most processed dairy products, Molasses (unsulphered organic 31, Nutmeg, Mustard, Pistachios, Popcorn & butter (plain), Rice or wheat crackers (unrefined), Rye (grain), Rye bread (organic sprouted), Seeds (pumpkin & sunflower), Walnuts Blueberries, Brazil nuts, Butter (salted), Cheeses (mild & crumbly) 28, Crackers (unrefined rye), Dried beans (mung, adzuki, pinto, kidney, garbanzo) 29, Dry coconut, Egg whites, Goats milk (homogenized), Olives (pickled), Pecans, Plums 30, Prunes 30, Butter (fresh unsalted), Cream (fresh & raw), Margarine 26, Milk (raw cow's) 27, Oils (except olive), Whey (cow's), Yogurt (plain)
"In reality, a person very rarely dies of cancer. It is always starvation and toxicity. As the malignant tumor grows it gives off waste products, which must be eliminated through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs and skin. These waste products accumulate and gradually overburden the body. Most persons then die of toxemia. Before any disease can be cured, the waste products and impurities must be cleansed from the body. The sooner this is done, the sooner the body can begin repairing itself."
[From ] :
Colorful Cancer Combatants
Flavonoids give apples and other fruits and vegetables their bright, rainbow-like colors. You can also find them in teas and wine. There are more than 5,000 flavonoids in nature. You should know about two in particular, if you want to protect against cancer: quercetin and catechins.
Quercetin is the flavonoid in those healthful apples. It can protect against lung, skin and prostate cancers. A study published in the journal Carcinogenesis recently found quercetin could stop cancer-causing changes in prostate cells. It flushes away carcinogens and can block tumor development and growth.
Catechins pack such a wallop against cancer they can prevent tumors in almost every organ in your body, from your esophagus and stomach to your colon and liver- even your breasts.
Catechins work by acting as antioxidants. They fight tissue-attacking free radicals and protect your cells against tumor development and growth. In fact, studies show increasing your intake of catechins can reduce your cancer risk between 30 and 60%.
But most people don't consume near enough flavonoids to get this kind of cancer protection. In fact, the average daily intake is only 23 milligrams. You need 100 milligrams. The good news is getting more each day is easy:
*Adding Catechins and Quercetin to Your Diet *
Eat more fruits and vegetables rich in these two flavonoid compounds. The most quercetin is in onions, apples, peppers, berries, grapes, tomatoes, black tea and garlic.
For added cancer fighting, substitute / trade morning cup of coffee for a mug of catechin-rich green or black tea a couple times a week. By making these changes alone, you can easily improve your flavonoid intake to 100 milligrams a day.
And, if you're curious to learn about more food sources of flavonoids, the USDA has a cumbersome, overly-long Adobe (PDF) site of 225 foods and their flavonoid content. You can link to it from:
To Your Good Health, Al Sears M.D.
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Stands For... pH is the short form for potential hydrogen. The pH of any solution is the measure of its hydrogen-ion concentration. The higher the pH reading, the more alkaline and oxygen rich the fluid is. The lower the pH reading, the more acidic and oxygen deprived the fluid is. The pH ranges from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral. Indicator above 7.0 is alkaline and below 7.0 is considered acidic. pH
The body becomes acidic due to a diet rich in acids, emotional stress, toxic overload, and/or immune reactions or any process that deprives the cells of oxygen and other nutrients. When this happens, the body will try to compensate for acidic pH by using alkaline minerals such as calcium. As a result, calcium is removed from the bones, causing osteoporosis.
Acidosis, which is an extended time in the acid pH state, can result in rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, lupus, tuberculosis, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and most cancers.
& ANTIOXIDANTS WINE've no doubt heard about the possible health benefits of drinking red wine. One of today's recommended wines, Benton-Lane's pinot noir, consistently tests among the highest in the world for the presence of resveratrol, according to the winery. Resveratrol, a flavanoid compound that occurs naturally in the skins of grapes, may be a cancer-fighting agent and contain antioxidants that could help prevent arterioscleriosis and heart damage related to cholesterol. Typical levels of resveratrol in pinot noir are higher than in merlot and cabernet sauvignon, and this particular wine from Oregon tests at three times the level of most other pinot noirs. Red wines contain more resveratrol than white wines. Testing is still ongoing, but many people believe that resveratrol can help prevent heart disease and some types of cancer.
Decaffeinated Coffee
...I would even drink coffee from the pot at bedtime, and I could sleep better! (That indicated that I was one of those ADD people who are calmed with stimulants....It was not stress or overwork. It was a caffeine addiction. If I did not have coffee every three to four hours, I would have withdrawal headaches, not suppressed anger headaches.
Caffeine irritates the bladder. Take something to make your urine alkaline, such as a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water...
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"The blood is slightly alkaline, with a pH of 7.35 to 7.40. ...Coffee and tea happen to be pure acid in the body. The more acid in the blood, the more the body will retain water in an attempt to neutralize it. This adds weight to your body."
Drinking coffee on an empty stomach increases the level of stomach acid & this can cause stomach pain almost instantly in sensitive individuals. [Acid-Reflux reaction]
Coffee becomes pure acid in the body which not only burdens but irritates the stomach as well. When acid-forming food enters the stomach, the stomach has to go to heavy secretion of stomach acid (hydrochloric acid).
Drinking coffee reduces the production of melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep by 50% every 6 hours. This can interfere with restful sleep.
A cup of coffee takes 24 hours to pass through the kidneys & urinary tract.
Coffee is known to have an adverse effect on the secretion of the female hormone estrogen. Estrogen is linked to healthy bone strength.
------------------------- Decaffeinated Coffee decaffeinated beverages really caffeine free?
Not completely. The decaffeination process of coffee and tea effectively removes about 97% of the caffeine, leaving approximately 2-5 mg in a cup of coffee. (A regular cup of coffee contains 40-150 mg of caffeine). Decaffeinated soft drinks may also contain traces (0-.09 mg) of caffeine.
Are harmful chemicals used in the decaffeination process?
Two basic decaffeination processes are used in the U.S.:
The FDA continues to permit the use of methylene chloride to decaffeinate coffee because it has determined that any potential health risk is so low "as to be essentially non-existent" (FDA, 1985).
- water extraction and direct solvent extraction. In the water extraction process, the coffee beans are steamed and then soaked and rinsed, allowing the caffeine to diffuse from the beans into the water, using no artificial chemicals.
- In the direct solvent extraction process, decaffeination is accomplished by direct application of methylene chloride, ethyl acetate or carbon dioxide to the coffee beans. The beans are then steamed to remove the residual solvent, then dried and roasted. Methylene chloride received a great deal of attention when it was found to be an animal carcinogen when given by inhalation. Yet, the administration of methylene chloride to mice in drinking water (which more closely resembles human exposure through coffee drinking) resulted in no adverse health effects.
Decaf coffee also stimulates the nervous system showing that coffee contains other stimulants besides caffeine.HM: The above comment is repeated on all other coffee info sources. The names of these chemicals are unknown or not given. It is just a hypothesis based on observation of decaffeinated useage and subsequent reactions.
Also, coffee inhibits, to some degree, the metabolism of glucose and thus insulin efficiency is reduced in diabetics.
coffee addiction Overcome
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The first drag will be the "wake-up thud" -- this is when you'll feel that emptiness that used to be filled by the caffeine zap. Realizing it's going to happen is half the battle. Then you can harden yourself against this leaden opening to the day.NEXT comes filling that void with alternative motivators. Jump on the internet until you're mind gets up to speed. EXERCISE to push your blood flow into high gear. SPIRITUAL WARFARE to remove the defeat-imagery from your mind and get an accurate perspective of your power.
The drag emanating from quitting caffeine may result from adrenal fatigue. The excess demand placed on the adrenals by caffeine useage can run them down. Or one may simply be disposed to diminished adrenal function for unknown reasons. COMMENTS:
Blood sugar spikes from a diet too high in refined carbohydrates drain the adrenals.
The destructive side of cortisol. In its normal function, cortisol helps us meet these challenges by converting proteins into energy, releasing glycogen and counteracting inflammation. For a short time, that's OK. But at sustained high levels, cortisol gradually tears your body down. Sustained elevated cortisol destroys healthy muscle and bone; slows down healing and normal cell replacement; coopts biochemicals needed to make other vital hormones; impairs digestion, metabolism and mental function; interferes with healthy endocrine function; and weakens your immune system. Adrenal dysfunction may be a factor in many conditions like fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, even acne or hair loss. Can you remember how you're supposed to feel? When the adrenals are normal, you feel happy and well, have steady energy and emotions, sleep soundly 7-9 hours a night, wake up feeling rested, recover well from stress, and maintain a healthy weight without dieting. But if your energy lags during the day, you feel emotionally unbalanced much of the time, you sleep poorly or less than 7 hours a night, can't lose excess weight even while dieting, use caffeine or carbohydrates as pick-me-ups — these are all red flags indicating adrenal dysfunction.
I often feel dizzy, faint, like I haven't woken up, or like I'm in a dream. Skin seems to be aging quickly. I feel tired, run down, drained, or emotionally or physically exhausted much of the time. I catch colds or other infections (cold sores, yeast or bladder infections, eye infections, boils, sinus infections) easily. I'm gaining weight around my middle. I'm often irritable, impatient, or pessimistic. I often have trouble waking in the morning, even though you went to bed at a reasonable hour. I often feel tired after exercise, rather than energized. I drink more than one 8 oz. cup of coffee, caffeinated soft drink and cola, or other caffeinated beverage every day. In my free time, I'm often too tired to do anything that involves going out of the house. HOW TO REBUILD ADRENAL HEALTH:Edited from: You need to store energy in order to rebuild your adrenals. If you are constantly drawing down your reserves and going into your energy overdraft, the adrenals will continue to be exhausted. Maintain steady blood sugar. Avoid all stimulants including caffeine: instead, let your body rest when you feel fatigued. Take Nutritional Supplements: B vitamins including pantothenic acid, essential fatty acids like borage oil, flax seed oil or evening primrose oil, minerals including magnesium, zinc and chromium, anti-oxidants including Vitamin C, E, alpha lipoic acid, and grape seed extract, and natural adrenal hormones like DHEA and pregnenalone are all supplements that support your adrenals. SLEEP! Go to bed by 10:30 PM before your adrenals pump out more cortisol for a late night second wind. Sleep late until 8 or 9 AM because morning rests seems to be very helpful in restoring adrenal health. Take short naps when you feel fatigued during the day. Exercise! In spite of being fatigued, exercise will build up your energy supply. Exercise actually helps your body normalize cortisol and blood sugar levels plus it re-oxygenates your brain and muscles. Herbs: Adaptogenic herbs help you cope with stress. Take herbal tonics and adaptogens in extract form. Licorice root, ashwaganda, ginseng root, eleuthero, ginger, gingko, astragalus root, and schizandra berries are all recommended.
Comments: Caffeine Withdrawal
- It will take eight weeks of no caffeine to return all systems to normal.
- And just try to walk by a coffee shop without getting the shakes as soon as that old familiar aroma hits you. You'll have no doubt that this is one powerful drug, and when you get those headaches, you can feel how bad it must be for your body.
- "Those reasonable persons who have only a cup a day, only have coffee in the morning, or who can go weeks without it, well, more power to you. But I am not one of you. I am an ADDICT. I cannot drink coffee in moderation. I can only drink it to excess. There is no possibility of moderation."
- "I cannot drink coffee, it is a powerful drug for me, and that I must get off it. Also that life is joyless without it and that even one cup will lead to the next - which makes it a classic addiction not much different than alcoholism."
Yahoo-groups on the topic (search 'caffeine addiction'):
caffeine_free . . . . . caffeineblues
- Sure, drinking 5 cups of coffee, or taking ritalan, helps you focus... but maybe we shouldn't be focusing on that much stuff in the first place ...
- ...if someone is pumped on caffeine, they do have a lot of energy, they're more sociable and laughable... as long as the caffeine is working. But a few hours later they aren't as fast, they aren't into their work, they stop talking as much... we're competing with fake, caffeinated personalities...
- HypoAdrenalism (aka. adrenal fatigue) is a condition where a person has used stimulants through their life, causing the adrenal glands to be overworked, and they literally get "burned out". You may want to check out the book "Tired of Being Tired" by Jesse Hanley, MD, or "Adrenal Fatigue" by James L Wilson...
- I wake up feeling hung-over, then I gradually get a normal energy level over about a 2-hour period. It is very indicative of adrenal problems - as the adrenal glands go through a daily cycle of hormone roduction/release. So, I feel adequate energy through the day - but a very dull, unmotivated "energy"
Caffeine withdrawal headaches, often are accompanied by fatigue, occur because caffeine constricts blood vessels in the brain and decreases circulation! When caffeine is not present, the sudden increased circulation causes headaches.
Some people's natural energy returns easily but others suffer energy lows during the first few weeks after quitting coffee. But allow yourself to feel more tired than usual: Your body is giving you some important signals you may have been ignoring as you continued to seek energy from caffeine. You may find you need to catch up on some much needed sleep.
Herbal tonics that help rebuild adrenal health and detoxify the body can help you restore your natural energy more quickly. Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) and Panax Ginseng (Panax ginseng or quinquefolius) are considered adrenal tonics. Other adaptogens of help to weakened adrenals are astragalus, schizandra berries, ashwaganda and wild yam. Nutritional supplements that support adrenal health are B vitamins and in particular pantothenic acid (B-5).
You might also consider some herbs to detoxify the liver, kidneys and bowels. Herbs such as milk thistle, burdock root, parsley, uva ursi and psyllium seeds can strengthen and support taxed systems of elimination which have been exhausted by too much caffeine. Remember to drink more water - at least 8 cups per day - during this detoxification period.
"Our adrenals have a limit as to how much they can put out, and when that limit is exceeded, we develop what is called adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue can lead to chronic fatigue and immune suppression, which can lead to chronic infections, allergies, and multiple chemical sensitivities"
Diabetes may cause people to urinate excessively or build up large amounts of urine in the bladder... If a person is not getting enough liquids (about six cups) daily, the urine may become so concentrated that it irritates the bladder and lays the groundwork for bladder or urinary tract infections. Signs of dehydration include having a dry mouth, cracked lips, or sunken eyes...
------------------- A good coffee alternative is green tea & a good substitute is roast dandelion root (also known as dandelion coffee).-------------------
["Noni" & Coffee]
According to Dr. Ralph Heinicke, xeronine is an alkaloid synthesized in the body & plays a key role at cellular level. When we take in foreign alkaloids like nicotine, cocaine, heroin & caffeine, which mimick xeronine's natural function, the body's proteins adapt to them & alter the need of xeronine to an unnatural need for foreign alkaloids. To overcome this addiction, flood your body with xeronine just like you originally flooded the body with foreign alkaloid.
At present noni is known to be the best source of proxeronine (a precursor to xeronine).
To treat this addiction, place a few drops of noni juice under the tongue every hour. This will release proxeronine straight into the bloodstream from the soft tissue under the tongue.
Note : The body does not get addicted to xeronine & thus noni is not addictive.
In 76 Ways to Use Noni Fruit Juice (Direct Source, 2001) Ms. Isabelle Navarre-Brown shares how to ease withdrawal symptoms from coffee (or drugs, nicotine & alcohol) by taking noni juice in different doses. Noni will reduce the physical & psychological need for coffee.
...Xeronine has the ability to wean out other addictive alkaloids such as nicotine, caffeine and morphine. Hence Noni helps to cure all kinds of addiction, such as alcohol, cigarettes and drugs...
Milk contains casein,which makes the tannin in the tea insoluble,thus removing some of its astringency(acidic effect).Tannin inhibits the absorption of iron,calcium and zinc from the food,when tea is consumed along with food.
The tea should not be allowed to steep for more than about five minutes (a process known as brewing or mashing in the UK): after that, tannin is released, which counteracts the stimulating effect of the theophylline and caffeine and makes the tea bitter. Some teas, especially green teas and delicate Oolongs or Darjeeling teas, are steeped for shorter periods, sometimes less than 30 seconds.
[ ] People who drink more than four cups a day of green tea seem to have a lower overall risk of cancer. "Normal cells express the NOX enzyme only when they are dividing in response to growth hormone signals," Dorothy Morre says. "In contrast, cancer cells have somehow gained the ability to express NOX activity at all times." Drugs that inhibit tNOX activity also block tumor cell growth in culture. The green tea infusions, however, were 10 to 100 times more potent, inhibiting the activity of tNOX. when tNOX activity is inhibited, the cancerous cells eventually die.
You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty WATER:
Dr. F. Batmanghelidj's book: "Your Body's Many Cries For Water":
"Twenty five percent of the human body is solid matter and 75 percent is water states F. Batmanghelidj, MD, author of 'Your Body's Many Cries For Water'. "The brain is said to be 85 percent water." Human blood is 90% water, muscles are 75% water, the liver is 82% water and our bones are 22% water.1 Every part of the human body is dependent on water.The advice is simple: to drink one ounce of water for every two pounds of body weight plus one and one half additional ounces of water for every ounce of beverage I consume containing caffeine, carbonation or alcohol. Do this every day.
Salt "foremost among human remedies" - Dr Batmanghelidj suggests taking a pinch of salt on the tongue after drinking water, which fools the brain into thinking a lot of salt has been taken. Salt is most essential: In their order of importance, oxygen, water, salt and potassium rank as the primary elements for survival of the human body. Salt will be taken out of the bones to maintain its vital normal levels in the blood. We have to be careful not to lose salt when increasing the amount of water we drink with no added salt. The water keeps the cell volume balanced and salt maintains the volume of water that is held outside the cells in circulation.
FROM A SUMMARY OF THE BOOK: - Link here for the full outline
Renin - Angio Tension System
Dehydration is the number one stress of the body.The coping systems to deal with dehydration in the body, causing vasoconstriction are the same as those that deal with stress - vasopressin & the RA system.
Activated when fluid volume of body decreases, retaining water & increasing salt. Low water or low salt causes the R.A. system to become very active. It tightens capillaries and veins to take up "slack" & empty space in vascular system - increases Blood Pressure.
During stress, some available water is used to break down stored materials - protein, glycogen & fat. The R.A. system activates this with vasopressin & other hormones. The main site of action is the kidneys.
Kidney excretion is limited by the availability of water to make urine.
The system's activity is decreased (relieved) by presence of more salt & water to fill the normal fluid capacity of the veins. If the pressure (water) in the kidneys is not sufficient for urine filtration, the R.A. system tightens the blood vessels in the kidneys, causing damage. This tightening of blood vessels causes essential hypertension - an indication of body's need for water.
Salivary glands sense salt shortage & produce kinins, which increase saliva formation to lubricate the food during dehydration.
Kinins also seem to activate the RA system in all parts of the body.
Salt shortage contributes to dehydration of the cells. It also can lead to essential hypertension & chronic pain. The kinins ensure that in severe dehydration, saliva production is kept high - THIS IS WHY "THIRST" IS NOT FELT - the symptoms are masked by this action!
Tea, coffee, caffeine - CNS stimulants, also dehydration agents because of strong diuretic effect on kidneys. The brain then signals the release of energy from the stored pool. The caffeine causes an "over-ride" effect on the body to release energy & this depletes energy storage, resulting in lower energy levels.Caffeine deprives the body from being able to make its full supply of hydroelectric energy & also depletes stored brain & body energy - possibly causing lower attention span, chronic fatigue in older persons & eventually exhausts the heart muscle by over stimulation.
Caffeine interferes with an enzyme system involved with the process of learning & memory development.
-----------[ End of: Renin - Angio Tension System ]-----------
B17, LAETRILE & APRICOT SEEDS: The Cure vs. The Conspiracy
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