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- - - SUPPLY SOURCES - - - |
SHORT WAVE RADIOS From: Hammacher Schlemmer
KEROSENE STOVES - Ratings for several Kerosene Stove & Heaters & tips -- "End Times Report" - Christian; "3 days of Darkness..."
DEHYDRATORS - http://www.harvestessentials.com/fooddeh.html
• Amazon: "Emergency Preparedness" Products
www.ki4u.com - IODIDE Source . . . Order Page AmericaRx.com - IODIDE . . . Google Search: IODIDE Suppliers - compare prices
"Medical Corps" KIO3 - IODATE Source . . . Order Page www.tacda.org - "The American Civil Defense Association" - Nuke/Disaster Preparation Site. Supplies (But no Iodide/Iodate) Nuclear Targets in the U.S., & State-By-State maps of FALLOUT ZONES
Nitro-Pak - SURVIVAL SUPPLIES, Dehydrated Foods Walton Feed - Survival Foods Catalog - "Internet Grocer" - DEHYDRATED FOODS & Other Survival Supplies Mountain House - freeze dried meals |
Mountain Valley - Canned Seeds - non-hybrid, long life. . . . . . Their home page "Seeds of Change" - Organic Seed SEEDS: "Doomsday Seed Co." SOMETIMES these two have seeds: Walton Feed . . . . . Nitro-Pak |
• Home Page (Commercial) | • MONOLITHIC DOME HOUSES |
• Dehydrated Foods | - Food Shortage News, "How To" food Preps, Links |
FDA Report: Iodide & Radiation Protection
Google: Kurt Saxon articles (his site has no index) |
GUN LAWS, State-by-State - Scroll down to map & click on desired state
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
"ALLODIAL TITLE" - PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY: From Tax, Seizure, Etc. - Know The Laws
"Driving is a Right -- Not a Privilege" - Stripping of our rights by calling them "privilages"
THE SIERRA TIMES - "western land right issues..." - Also Patriot Articles
www.uhuh.com - GOVERNMENT vs. LIBERTY -- Personal Freedoms, Consitution, Gun Rights, NWO In Government Activity
www.unwatch.com - Up-To-Date News on the Tyrannical Actions of the United Nations (& the U.S. Congress' Supporting Legislation)
RENSE.com . . .
NEW LAWS CHANGING AMERICA'S ROADS TO PRIVATELY OPERATED TOLL WAYS - Just one more limitation on Americans' freedom to travel (Trans-Texas Corridor)...
ARIZONA GUARD ("Minuteman" Project Border Volunteers) - "an Organized Militia Dedicated to the Defense of American Patriotism..."
911 INFO SOURCE - www.total911.info - VERY PROLIFIC - UPDATED almost DAILY
FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS, LISTED BY STATE - "Friends of Liberty" - www.sianews.com
Comparing "Protocols of Zion" To Present Day Events - www.samliquidation.com/pledge.htm
Protocols: Fact or Fiction?The arguments FOR and AGAINST the Protocols of Zion
www.iahushua.com/JQ/factsR2.html - The Talmud's negative verses
National Steam (formerly Patriot Action) - Message Board with Patriot & anti NWO news.
East Anti-NWO site - Scott Free - "Free men don't ask permission, do you?" Site for Anti-NWO cable show (local to them - haven't seen it) Some interesting links & comments
Pam Schuffert "Plans For MARTIAL LAW" (formerly American Holocaust)
"Globalization and Secret Societies Exposed - by RIE (Ross International Enterprises)." "This is not a conspiracy theory site. This site contains only conspiracy facts." - www.4rie.com
"AFPN" Messageboard - shadow-government topics - disc.server.com/Indices/149495.html
"American Concentration Camps" - - Lengthy article, Many Photos & Links - www.apfn.org/apfn/camps.htm
www.remnantsaints.com - "We must be able to communicate with each other in a moments notice." Several Related Survivalist & Patriot Links
www.infowars.com - Alex Jones - Clearinghouse of Anti-NWO articles & Audio Links
www.stopcovertwar.com - "Stop Covert War" against citizens -- "Not anti-government, but anti-corruption." Multiple Articles & Links about who's "targeted," methods used, shadow government, etc.
www.mikenew.com - Description: - About Michael New, the U.S. soldier who refused to wear a U.N. insignia while in uniform, and the ensuing legal battle.
Police Against the Police State - "Like the legendary Dracula, the Globalist slowly drains the essence of life and liberty from our Land..." Highly detailed initiative to expose the NWO by police & military members
FREEMASONS - "The World's Largest Secret Society" - "Monitoring the Invisible Empire" - www.freemasonrywatch.org/siteindex.html
Survival/Arms/etc message forums - http://p078.ezboard.com/bwolfpack
Bush publicly mocks pleas of executed Texas woman - Photos, Links, Comments - http://ccadp.org
USS LIBERTY: Few Dare Speak Of It... WHY? - President Johnson and Defense Secretary McNamara had ordered the USS Liberty's captain to state that the Israeli attack was "accidental," regardless of the evidence to the contrary... |
REPUBLIC BROADCASTING NETWORK - Programs on the NWO, the Patriot Act, threats to the Constitution.
"The American Voice" - Programs Incl. Jack McLamb, Clay Douglas, Bo Gritz, & others.
TRUTH RADIO - - Liberty for every person, with "We the people" sovereign over Limited governments....
MARK KOERNKE Audio Archives
www.christianmedianetwork.com "Christian Media Network" - Assorted Preaching
NEWSWATCH MAGAZINE - Archived Radio B'casts of David J. Smith (Christian, Anti-NWO)
BROTHER STAIR - "Overcomer Ministries" - Round-The-Clock Preaching On The End Times & Current Events In Scripture
END TIMES REPORT - contains much info on "Self Reliant Living" - Christian; "3 days of Darkness..."
"BROTHER BOB" - Ixtheus - Incl.: "Truth about Hell" article
Believers Voice of Victory - Some good faith messages - applicable to survival (if you can ignore occasional neo conservative references)
God's Law vs. Man's Law (Hong Kong)Interesting Comments. Based in Hong Kong, dealing with communist threats while applying Bible teachings. Several Msg Boards.
Revelation and Today's Events - Good Match-up
Newswatch Magazine Anti-NWO and Bible prophesy. David J Smith. Articles and AUDIO msgs
www.biblegateway.com/cgi-bin/bible - www.biblegateway.com - Online Bible/Concordance: Quick Look-Up
"Y'Shua" or "Jesus" - Which can we use? -- The "Sacred Names" Controversy
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http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/chancy3.html - Christians in Iraq - U.S. Opposes Them, ("inconvenient"), more problems than under Saddam, US conservatives don't care about Iraqi Christians, etc.
NEWS SATIRE - www.brokennewz.com
APPLETS FAQ - http://www.jguru.com/faq/Applets
JAVA SCRIPT TUTORIAL and EXAMPLES - ("View/Source" for useful applications)
About Geocities Pop Up Ads and Frames...111604
www.franksphotos.com- a photo gallery
www.austinworks.com/phscenic.html - abandoned cars in scenic settings
www.lapahie.com/Dine_Photos.cfm - scenic western, navajo
www.snap-shot.com/pages/land- variety of scenic "screen-saver" landscapes
members.tripod.com/NIKON/photos-s.htm - waterfall (small, state park) 5 pics
News, Archived & Pending Articles |